Letren Fakultatea


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Si se deja vacío aparecen todos los registros de la BBDD.
Total de registros en la BBDD: 4339.
Duración total: 3086 Horas, 18 minutos.

Junta de la Facultad de LetrasJunta Decanal y JunterosJuntas de la Facultad de LetrasEspañol/Euskara2011-03-10
Conferencia 'Radwa, Miral y Nawara, tres joyas de la literatura egipcia contemporánea'Itzea Goikolea AmianoConferencia 'Radwa, Miral y Nawara, tres joyas de la literatura egipcia contemporánea'Español2011-03-10
Zazpi orduakMiren Agur Meabe Gaurko Euskal NarratibaEuskera2011-03-09
Paisajismo y sostenibilidad territorialJuan José Galán, Joan NoguéCiclos de paisaje: El Paisaje ante el Cambio globalEspañol2011-02-24
Musika aireanKarmele Jaio Gaurko Euskal NarratibaEuskera2011-02-23
Estrategias de aplicación del convenio Europeo del Paisaje en EspañaRafael Mata, Margarita OrtegaCiclos de paisaje: El Paisaje ante el Cambio globalEspañol2011-01-20
Entrevista a Rafael Mata Rafael MataCiclos de paisaje: El Paisaje ante el Cambio globalEspañol2011-01-20
Junta de la Facultad de LetrasJunta Decanal y JunterosJuntas de la Facultad de LetrasEspañol/Euskara2010-12-21
Female migration during Early Modern Age: What we know and what we should know.Ofelia Rey CastelaoInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Español / ingles2010-12-17
From Sin to Sears: Norwegian Women in New York and the Transformation of the immigrant Body, 1946-1965Siv RingdalInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Inglés2010-12-17
First Exile: Spanish Republican Women and the French Camps (1939)José María Naharro-CalderónInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Inglés2010-12-17
Spanish Women Writers in Exile, 1939-1975Josebe Martínez GutiérrezInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Inglés2010-12-17
Very visible Immigrants: Image and Stereotype of Galician women in Argentina, 1880-1960Xosé-Manoel Nuñez SeixasInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Inglés2010-12-17
The Position of Women in Ghanaian Migration SystemKees Van Der GeestInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Inglés2010-12-17
Opening SessionOscar Alvarez GilaInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Ingles / Español2010-12-16
Virgins and Maids. Women and migration in the Royal Congregations of Madrid, 1684-1812.Alberto Angulo MoralesInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Español / Ingles2010-12-16
The Women and the Society of Jesús.Mª Rosario Porres MarijuánInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Español / Ingles2010-12-16
Women and the domestic service. The visibility of the Uniform.Ana Isabel Ugalde GorostizaInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Español / ingles2010-12-16
Daughters, Wifes and Widows. Women's participation in Basque immigrants' institutions in Latin AmericaOscar Alvarez GilaInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Inglés2010-12-16
'When you imagine the ideal of the woman...' Ethnic Womanhood in the Swedish-American publications for Children and Youth (1890-1920)Agnieszka StasiewiczInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Inglés2010-12-16
Female Garment Workersin Minneapolis and their Work at the Northwestern Knitting Company in the 1910sLars OlssonInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Inglés2010-12-16
The Polish Women's Alliance in America on Migrants' Children, 1898-1920Adam WalaszekInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Inglés2010-12-16
Paisaje: Formación e InvestigaciónIsabel Aguirre, Francesc MuñozCiclos de paisaje: El Paisaje ante el Cambio globalEspañol2010-12-16
PresentaciónZuriñe Gómez Balugera /Fernando García MurgaI Jornadas de innovación docente de la Facultad de LetrasEspañol2010-12-15
¿Porqué equipos docentes en la UPV/EHU?Idoia FernándezI Jornadas de innovación docente de la Facultad de LetrasEspañol2010-12-15

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