| Zooarchaeology of Early Medieval Basque Country | Idoia Grau | Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries) | Inglés | 2012-11-15 |
| On Extraction out of a Floating Quantifier in Japanese | Yoichi Miyamoto | Ways of Structure Building | Inglés | 2008-11-13 |
| Coloquio 4ª sesión | Lectura de la ponencia de Maja Gori (University of Amsterdam) | Antigüedad Clásica y naciones modernas en el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo - ANIHO Nazioarteko Kongresua | Inglés | 2015-10-30 |
| Discussion session I | Terry O'ConnorGiovanni ZanchettaMarta MorenoIdoia Grau | Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries) | Inglés | 2012-11-15 |
| On Confilcts in Structure Building | Fabian Heck | Ways of Structure Building | Inglés | 2008-11-13 |
| Classical Rome in the ‘United Kingdom’, 1880 to 1930 | Richard Hingley (Durham University) | Antigüedad Clásica y naciones modernas en el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo - ANIHO Nazioarteko Kongresua | Inglés | 2015-10-30 |
| Environmental and land-use changes during early medieval period in Southwestern France: new insights from palaeoecological records | Didier Galop | Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries) | Inglés | 2012-11-15 |
| More Evidence for Multidominance | Barbara Citko | Ways of Structure Building | Inglés | 2008-11-14 |
| Natural resources, land uses and landscape zapping in the Iberian Peninsula from Roman to Medieval times: historical palaeoenviromental data | Santiago Riera | Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries) | Inglés | 2012-11-15 |
| Evidence for multi-dominance in Spanish word formatio | Antonio Fábregas | Ways of Structure Building | Inglés | 2008-11-14 |
| Climate, cultivation and early crops: late Pleistocene and early Holocene socioecological changes in the eastern Mediterranean | Sue Colledge | Climate, cultivation and early crops: late Pleistocene and early Holocene socioecological changes in the eastern Mediterranean | Inglés | 2011-06-10 |
| A multiple Dominance Approach to Parasitic Gaps | Hironobu Kasai | Ways of Structure Building | Inglés | 2008-11-14 |
| Discussion session II | Didier Galop, Santiago Riera, Begoña Hernández | Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries) | Inglés | 2012-11-15 |
| What the clitic JE in Croatian tells us about multidominance | Martina Gracanin-Yuksek | Ways of Structure Building | Inglés | 2008-11-14 |
| Projection as an Epiphenomenon of Optimal Packing | David P. Medeiros | Ways of Structure Building | Inglés | 2008-11-14 |
| Opening | Maite Aperribay-Bermejo, David Río, Ángel Chaparro Sainz | V CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL “EL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO EN LA LITERATURA: OESTE(S) (DES)CONOCIDO(S) Y NOMADA(S)” | Inglés | 2022-10-03 |
| Archaeobotanical light on early medieval farming in France | Marie Pierre Ruas | Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries) | Inglés | 2012-11-16 |
| Rethinking Head Movement | Carlo Ceccheto | Ways of Structure Building | Inglés | 2008-11-14 |
| Indigenous Women Of(f) Limits: New Heroines in Contemporary Native Fiction | Silvia Martínez Falquina | V CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL “EL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO EN LA LITERATURA: OESTE(S) (DES)CONOCIDO(S) Y NOMADA(S)” | Inglés | 2022-10-03 |
| Building (Proper) Improper Movement Structures | Miki Obata | Ways of Structure Building | Inglés | 2008-11-14 |
| Regeneration Through Violence: Echoes of the Myth of the West in Jim Harrison’s Road Novel A Good Day to Die | Elzbieta Horodyska | V CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL “EL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO EN LA LITERATURA: OESTE(S) (DES)CONOCIDO(S) Y NOMADA(S)” | Inglés | 2022-10-03 |
| Uniformity and Collapse | Roger Martin | Ways of Structure Building | Inglés | 2008-11-14 |
| Shock-troops of the state ? Primary-school teachers in montane Morocco | Matthew CAREY jauna | I Congreso Internacional - Antropología en Marruecos : Discursos, encuentros y redes | Inglés | 2013-11-22 |
| Rituals of Toxic Masculinity: Hazing in the Old West As Viewed in Fiction, Art and Myth | Hank Nuwer | V CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL “EL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO EN LA LITERATURA: OESTE(S) (DES)CONOCIDO(S) Y NOMADA(S)” | Inglés | 2022-10-03 |
| Discussion session III | Frank Salvadori, Lydia Zapata | Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries) | Inglés | 2012-11-16 |