| Nucleation and the archaeology of communities in north-western Iberia in Early Medieval period | Juan Antonio Quirós | International Conference: Archaeology of Social Inequality in Early Medieval Europe. A tribute to Chris Wickham | Inglés | 2016-09-23 |
| 1.go Saioa - 1ª sesión | Peter-Paul de Wolf, Rob Van de Laar | EUSTAT XXX - Nazioarteko estatistika mintegia / Seminario internacional de estadística | Inglés | 2017-11-20 |
| Conclusion | Chris Wickham | International Conference: Archaeology of Social Inequality in Early Medieval Europe. A tribute to Chris Wickham | Inglés | 2016-09-23 |
| Latinx Podcasterxs: Culture and Community Within and Beyond the West | Amaia Soroa | TRASVASES CULTURALES DEL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO: MÁS ALLÁ DE LAS FRONTERAS - III SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL | Inglés | 2021-10-04 |
| Small worlds and networks of power | Anne Nissen Jaubert | International Conference: Archaeology of Social Inequality in Early Medieval Europe. A tribute to Chris Wickham | Inglés | 2016-09-23 |
| Coyote’s trickster shift in the Oral Tradition of the American West | Mercedes Pérez Agustín | TRASVASES CULTURALES DEL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO: MÁS ALLÁ DE LAS FRONTERAS - III SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL | Inglés | 2021-10-04 |
| The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair (1953): Analysis and Investigation of Otherness Regarded in Female Characters | Ion Márquez Blanco | VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - Tartalo | Inglés | 2023-11-07 |
| Opening | Mª Pilar García Mayo | International Seminar on Instructed Second Language Learning | Inglés | 2011-05-13 |
| Mountaineering poetry | Terry Gifford | Mendikultursymposium.Literatura, zinema eta mendiari buruzko III. jardunaldiak III jornadas de literatura, cine y montaña | Inglés | 2012-11-07 |
| La influencia del Oeste Americano en el contexto germanoparlante | Maite Aperribay | TRASVASES CULTURALES DEL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO: MÁS ALLÁ DE LAS FRONTERAS - III SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL | Inglés | 2021-10-05 |
| The Transformative Power of Myth: Owen Barfield’s Enquiries into Aesthetic Experience | Ulises Rodríguez Jordá | VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - Tartalo | Inglés | 2023-11-07 |
| A framework for investigating the effects andeffectiveness of instruction in SLA | Alex Housen | International Seminar on Instructed Second Language Learning | Inglés | 2011-05-13 |
| Mendi literatura ikerketa akademikoaren arloan | Haritz Monreal | Mendikultursymposium.Literatura, zinema eta mendiari buruzko III. jardunaldiak III jornadas de literatura, cine y montaña | Inglés | 2012-11-07 |
| Borderlands/La Frontera as a Stimulus for Devised Theatre | Sandra López de Maturana | TRASVASES CULTURALES DEL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO: MÁS ALLÁ DE LAS FRONTERAS - III SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL | Inglés | 2021-10-05 |
| William Kotzwinkle’s Renewal of the Mad Scientist: Satire as a Means of Criticism against Human Exceptionalism | Irati Jiménez Pérez | VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - Tartalo | Inglés | 2023-11-07 |
| How relevant is SLA research for language teaching? A critical appraisal | Lourdes Ortega | International Seminar on Instructed Second Language Learning | Inglés | 2011-05-13 |
| The American West on the Contemporary Spanish Stage: The End of Invisibility? | David Río | TRASVASES CULTURALES DEL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO: MÁS ALLÁ DE LAS FRONTERAS - III SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL | Inglés | 2021-10-05 |
| Connections between type of instruction and type of L2 knowledge and ability | Nina Spada | International Seminar on Instructed Second Language Learning | Inglés | 2011-05-13 |
| The Afterlife of the ‘Gary Cooper’ Solidarity Poster | Marek Paryz | TRASVASES CULTURALES DEL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO: MÁS ALLÁ DE LAS FRONTERAS - III SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL | Inglés | 2021-10-05 |
| Faërie is a Dangerous Land: J.R.R. Tolkien and Fairy Tales | Mónica Sanz Rodríguez | VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - Tartalo | Inglés | 2023-11-07 |
| What research tell us about age effects and its implications in instructed language learning settings | Carmen Muñoz | International Seminar on Instructed Second Language Learning | Inglés | 2011-05-13 |
| Dale, Blanquita, dale! through multilingualism and acessibility | Victória Albuquerque | Congreso internacional sobre trasvases culturales | Inglés | 2019-10-02 |
| The Female Representation in the Myth of Europe | Igone Orozko Varel | VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - Tartalo | Inglés | 2023-11-07 |
| Tasks in instructed language learning:What makes them more or less complex | Gabriele Palloti | International Seminar on Instructed Second Language Learning | Inglés | 2011-05-13 |
| I dream with one eye open: The Photo-poetics of Journeys West of the Mississippi | Audrey Goodman | TRASVASES CULTURALES DEL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO: MÁS ALLÁ DE LAS FRONTERAS - III SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL | Inglés | 2021-10-05 |