The influence of sentence context on the processing of cognates by trillingual speakers | Agniezska Lijewsksa | Third language (L3) acquisition: a focus on cognitive approaches | Inglés | 2012-05-24 | |
Maize, Mounds, and Cosmos: Durable Inequality in the Mississippian World (AD 1000-1250) | Robin Beck | International Conference: Archaeology of Social Inequality in Early Medieval Europe. A tribute to Chris Wickham | Inglés | 2016-09-22 | |
Dissolving false divides:Borders, boundaries and places of the western imagery | Juan Ignacio Oliva Cruz | I international seminar on 'Ecocriticism and Western American Literature' | Inglés | 2011-05-04 | |
A cognitive view of multilingualism: The role of control processes in modulating the activity of more than one language | Judith Kroll, Janet G. van Hell, Mª Teresa Bajo | Third language (L3) acquisition: a focus on cognitive approaches | Inglés | 2012-05-24 | |
Evidence for social status in tenth century AD settlements of central-northern Portugal | Catarina Tente | International Conference: Archaeology of Social Inequality in Early Medieval Europe. A tribute to Chris Wickham | Inglés | 2016-09-22 | |
6.go Saioa - 6ª sesión | Peter-Paul de Wolf, Rob Van de Laar | EUSTAT XXX - Nazioarteko estatistika mintegia / Seminario internacional de estadística | Inglés | 2017-11-21 | |
Writing the toxic environment: ecocriticism and the Chicana literary imagination | María Herrera-Sobek | I international seminar on 'Ecocriticism and Western American Literature' | Inglés | 2011-05-04 | |
Heritage speakers' adventures in re-learning: Can an L1 become an L3? | Maria Polinsky | Third language (L3) acquisition: a focus on cognitive approaches | Inglés | 2012-05-25 | |
Pottery as inequality? Systems of production and distribution in the Northern Italian rural societies during the Early Middle Ages | Sauro Gelichi | International Conference: Archaeology of Social Inequality in Early Medieval Europe. A tribute to Chris Wickham | Inglés | 2016-09-22 | |
5.go Saioa - 5ª sesión | Peter-Paul de Wolf, Rob Van de Laar | EUSTAT XXX - Nazioarteko estatistika mintegia / Seminario internacional de estadística | Inglés | 2017-11-21 | |
Myths and Natural Urges as (Mis)Leading Forces in Annie Proulx’s Heart Songs | Dra. Maja Daniel | Myth in the Arts | Inglés | 2019-09-24 | |
Cormac McCarthy's The Road and a Post-Pastoral theory fiction | Terry Gifford | I international seminar on 'Ecocriticism and Western American Literature' | Inglés | 2011-05-04 | |
The L3 connection:Highlighting the value of third language(L3) Sintactic transfer data for general linguistic and psycholinguistic questions | Jason Rothman | Third language (L3) acquisition: a focus on cognitive approaches | Inglés | 2012-05-25 | |
Social dynamics of the peasants from the salt marshes in Flanders in the context of the rise to power of a European warlord | Dries Tys | International Conference: Archaeology of Social Inequality in Early Medieval Europe. A tribute to Chris Wickham | Inglés | 2016-09-23 | |
4.go Saioa - 4ª sesión | Peter-Paul de Wolf, Rob Van de Laar | EUSTAT XXX - Nazioarteko estatistika mintegia / Seminario internacional de estadística | Inglés | 2017-11-21 | |
The bioregional imagination in the American West | Cheryll Glotfelty | I international seminar on 'Ecocriticism and Western American Literature' | Inglés | 2011-05-04 | |
The L3 discourse-syntax interface | Roumyana Slabakova, Mª Pilar García Mayo | Third language (L3) acquisition: a focus on cognitive approaches | Inglés | 2012-05-25 | |
Craft production and social complexity in Early Medieval Castile | Francesca Grassi | International Conference: Archaeology of Social Inequality in Early Medieval Europe. A tribute to Chris Wickham | Inglés | 2016-09-23 | |
3.go Saioa - 3ª sesión | Peter-Paul de Wolf, Rob Van de Laar | EUSTAT XXX - Nazioarteko estatistika mintegia / Seminario internacional de estadística | Inglés | 2017-11-20 | |
National Identity in Italian Western and Post-Westerns | Jesús Ángel González López | TRASVASES CULTURALES DEL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO: MÁS ALLÁ DE LAS FRONTERAS - III SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL | Inglés | 2021-10-04 | |
Examinig transfer models: The acquisition of differential object marking in L3 Brazilian Portuguese | Becky Halloran, David Giancaspro | Third language (L3) acquisition: a focus on cognitive approaches | Inglés | 2012-05-25 | |
The slave in the peasant household: an archaeological crux | Alfonso Vigil-Escalera | International Conference: Archaeology of Social Inequality in Early Medieval Europe. A tribute to Chris Wickham | Inglés | 2016-09-23 | |
2.go Saioa - 2ª sesión | Peter-Paul de Wolf, Rob Van de Laar | EUSTAT XXX - Nazioarteko estatistika mintegia / Seminario internacional de estadística | Inglés | 2017-11-20 | |
Restrictive clauses in L3 English: The L1 status factor | Abdelkader Hermas | Third language (L3) acquisition: a focus on cognitive approaches | Inglés | 2012-05-25 |