Letren Fakultatea


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Datu basean dauden bideoen zenbatekoa: 4652.
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Anti-repair effects under ellipsis: diagnosing (post)-syntactic clitics in Spanish.Andrés Saab, Pablo Zdrojewski Islands in Linguistic TheoryInglés2011-11-18
What is a presentative?Raffaella Zanuttini Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-24
The use of "magical" healing gems in the Greco-Roman world.Eleni Tsatsou Magia y Medicina en el Mundo AntiguoInglés2019-09-19
Names, maps, and songs: Worldbuilding in Tolkien and Martin.Dr. Thomas Honegger VII International Conference on the Inklings and the Western ImaginationInglés2021-03-21
Two contemporary interpretations of Aeschylus´ "Prometheus Bound" on the Georgian stage as a differente reflection on recent historySalome Joglidze VII Jornada de jóvenes investigadores ANIHO-IX SHRA 2023. La recepción de la Antigüedad desde el medievo hasta el mundo contemporáneoInglés2023-11-08
Don’t repair that island! It ain’t brokeKlaus Abels Islands in Linguistic TheoryInglés2011-11-18
Macro- and microvariation: an emergentist perspectiveTheresa Biberauer Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
Doomed to Die: Tolkien y la Invención de lo Humano.Dr. Eduardo Segura VII International Conference on the Inklings and the Western ImaginationInglés2021-03-21
Romance predicative constructions with a non-inflected verb: a parametric hierarchyJan Casalicchio Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
J. R. R. Tolkien y el humor de Beowulf.Dr. Rafael Pascual VII International Conference on the Inklings and the Western ImaginationInglés2021-03-21
Morphosyntactic variation and finding the open values in syntaxAlison Henry Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
Fe Cristiana y Obra Narrativa de C.S. LewisJavier Otaola VII International Conference on the Inklings and the Western ImaginationInglés2021-03-21
Indefinite Polar Questions (IPQs) in Spanish and KoreanWonsuk Jung / Alejo Alcaraz Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
El Derecho en Tolkien: filología, escenario, prueba, humor.Dr. José María Miranda VII International Conference on the Inklings and the Western ImaginationInglés2021-03-21
Severing the EV-T argument from the verb: the typology of adjectival passivesAlfredo Garcia Pardo Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
Towards a better theory of eccentric agreementDmitry Ganenkov Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
Balkan Romance variation at the CP-IP contact zoneSandra Ronai Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
The nanosyntax of nominal and verbal complementizersLena Baunaz, Eric Lander Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
Analizar los paisajes agrarios para entender el espacio geográficoAndré HumbertMaster de planificación y paisaje 2012Inglés2012-01-16
Basque auxiliaries and phasal cyclicityRicardo Etxepare Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
Recuperación del Valle Salado de Añana. Rentabilidad social y económica de un proyecto estratégico.Roberto López de EguílazMaster de planificación y paisaje 2013Inglés2013-01-30
Closing Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
Early medieval villages in BritainAndrew ReynoldsInternational conference 'Archaeology of villages in early middle ages'Inglés2008-11-20
Early medieval villages in northwest EuropeHelen HamerowInternational conference 'Archaeology of villages in early middle ages'Inglés2008-11-20
OPENING The Language and Speech (LASLAB) research group LASLAB WORKSHOP ON LANGUAGE "Educating for change: Innovative foreign language approaches"Inglés2017-05-19

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