Letren Fakultatea


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Datu basean dauden bideoen zenbatekoa: 4652.
Guztiaren iraupena: 3261 Ordu, 11 minutu.

Part 2 - Exploring Medieval diet in Spain using stable isotope analisysMichelle Alexander Exploring medieval diet in Spain using stable isotope analysisInglés2014-11-05
ColloquiumMichelle Alexander Exploring medieval diet in Spain using stable isotope analysisInglés2014-11-05
’That’s kind of cool’: Exploring hedges in a corpus of subtitled television dialoguesSerenella ZANOTTI I Congreso internacional sobre trasvases culturales en los medios audiovisualesInglés2015-10-28
I Rethinking Central Authority - Morning discussionMaria Elena Cortese, Giuseppe Albertoni, Iñaki Martín Viso Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-17
Competition as politics: Castile and Lombardy compared (890-950)Igor Santos Salazar Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-17
The fragile pillars of a strengthening monarchy? Aristocrats of wavering loyalty in the kingdom of Asturias-León c. 1000Álvaro Carvajal Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-17
I Rethinking Central Authority - II - Afternoon discussionIgor Santos Salazar, Álvaro Carvajal Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-17
Central authority and local power in english law, c. 670-c.1050Tom Lambert Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-17
The village imagined: social complexity in the Versus de UniboveCharles West Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-18
Enhancing student motivation through film subtitling projectsRosa ALONSO-PÉREZ I Congreso internacional sobre trasvases culturales en los medios audiovisualesInglés2015-10-29
OpeningPilar García Mayo 18TH LASLAB INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2023 Inglés2023-05-25
Regional bioarcheological investigations of medieval Asturias, SpainNick Passalacqua Demografía, paleopatología y desigualdad social en el norte de la Península IbéricaInglés2014-11-06
Audiovisual Translation in Teaching Foreign Languages: the Use of Intralingual Dubbing to Improve Fluency and Pronunciation in Spontaneous ConversationsAlicia SÁNCHEZ REQUENA I Congreso internacional sobre trasvases culturales en los medios audiovisualesInglés2015-10-29
Wilderness as a resource? A few thoughts about royal states in he Vosges and Ardennes, 7th-9th c.Nicholas Schroeder Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-17
Operationalizing Form-Focused Instruction For Young Classroom Learners ROY LYSTER 18TH LASLAB INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2023 Inglés2023-05-25
Señores de la Guerra y Estados Altomedievales.Julio Escalona El estado en la Alta Edad Media: Nuevos enfoques teóricos y metodológicosInglés2018-11-14
Measuring Children’s Metalinguistic Awareness KAREN ROEHR-BRACKIN 18TH LASLAB INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2023 Inglés2023-05-25
El poder del sultán. La presencia del estado en el califato omeyaEduardo Manzano Moreno El estado en la Alta Edad Media: Nuevos enfoques teóricos y metodológicosInglés2018-11-14
II. Interpreting Local Strength - I - Morning discussionJuan José Larrea, Charles West, Nicolas Schoeder, Beatrice Del Bo Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-18
Investigating The Use Of Grammar Learning Strategies By Children: Issues And ChallengesMIROSLAW PAWLAK 18TH LASLAB INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2023 Inglés2023-05-25
Traducción audiovisual: adaptación, cambios y resilienciaJORGE DÍAZ-CINTAS AIETI 2024Inglés2024-05-30
Comunidades políticas en época vikinga.Orri Vésteinsson El estado en la Alta Edad Media: Nuevos enfoques teóricos y metodológicosInglés2018-11-14
All I have is yours: from common to public in tenth-century CastileJulio Escalona Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-18
Individual Differences In Instructed Foreign Language Learning – Multilingualism In Children With And Without Special Needs RAPHAELE BERTHELÉ & ISABELLE UDRY 18TH LASLAB INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2023 Inglés2023-05-25
«Publicar o desaparecer», ¿Indarra o debilidad en Estudios de Traducción?ROBERTO VALDEÓN AIETI 2024Inglés2024-05-31

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