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Basque unergatives, Case-competition, and ergative as inherent Case Omer Preminger INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-06
Cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of third language phonology; A view from a different perspectiveDr. Magdalena Wrembel LASLAB WORKSHOP ON CROSSLINGUISTIC INFLUENCE: Working with crosslinguistic effects in the classroomInglés2016-04-27
Neural mechanisms of early speech perception and language acquisition. JUDIT GERVAIN XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-01
The restoration of the ergative case-marking of Ain the past in Western New Indo-Aryan: the case of the Braja languageAndrea Drocco INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-06
Lexical transfer and its modelling factors: insights from researchDr. Pilar Agustín LASLAB WORKSHOP ON CROSSLINGUISTIC INFLUENCE: Working with crosslinguistic effects in the classroomInglés2016-04-27
Medea Narratives Revisited in Eugene ONeills TragediesZahra Nazemi VI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: MYTH IN THE ARTSInglés2022-09-16
The development of conversational turn-prediction abilities in bilingual toddlers Marina Kalashnikova XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-01
The Origins of Morphological Ergativity: Evidence from Neo-Aramaic Edit Doron (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem) & Geoffrey Khan (University of Cambridge) INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-06
Is there a place for elusive input and unstable intuitions in teacher training?PROF. JUANA M. LICERAS LASLAB WORKSHOP ON LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOMInglés2015-11-06
Syntactic transfer in L3 learning – models and results so far. How do we move on?Dr. Camilla Bardel LASLAB WORKSHOP ON CROSSLINGUISTIC INFLUENCE: Working with crosslinguistic effects in the classroomInglés2016-04-27
A Dybbukand A Ghoul: The Fascist Ghosts of Patrick McGrath’s Latest FictionTatiana Fajardo Domench VI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: MYTH IN THE ARTSInglés2022-09-16
12-month-olds’ understanding of negation. Rachel Dudley XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-01
A New View on Mahajan's Generalisation Antje Lahne (Universität Konstanz) INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-06
Grammar-meaning interactions, and how we can exploit them in the language classroomDR. HEATHER MARSDEN LASLAB WORKSHOP ON LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOMInglés2015-11-06
Wrap up discussion and concluding remarks LASLAB WORKSHOP ON CROSSLINGUISTIC INFLUENCE: Working with crosslinguistic effects in the classroomInglés2016-04-27
Everything you always wanted to know about household archaeologyJesús Bermejo Tirado Seminarios en Patrimonio y Paisajes Culturales Inglés2022-05-04
The Difficulty of Changing Stereotypes in Latina CharactersTamara Rojo Castro VI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: MYTH IN THE ARTSInglés2022-09-16
Does non-native directed speech support non-native listeners’ cortical tracking? Giorgio Piazza XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-01
Case-alignment and verb placementTarald Taraldsen INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-06
The Scalpel Model in third language acquisition and what it means in the language classroomPROF. ROUMYANA SLABAKOVA LASLAB WORKSHOP ON LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOMInglés2015-11-06
Rewriting the Myth of the (Good) Migrant in Contemporary Latina NarrativesAmaia Soroa Bacaicoa VI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: MYTH IN THE ARTSInglés2022-09-16
What the microstructural properties of the Frontal Aslant of unimodal and bimodal bilinguals tell about language control. Francesca Peressotti XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-02
Homogeneity and plurals: from the stronger meaning hypothesis to supervaluationsBenjamin Spector Sinn und Bedeutung 18 Inglés2013-09-11
Relative language exposure and bilingual children’s linguistic skills in the school yearsDR. LUDOVICA SERRATRICE LASLAB WORKSHOP ON LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOMInglés2015-11-06

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