Letren Fakultatea


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Datu basean dauden bideoen zenbatekoa: 4652.
Guztiaren iraupena: 3261 Ordu, 11 minutu.

Study of Verb Tenses and Temporal Adverbs among Spanish, English, and Chinese Hui Chuan-Lu & An Chung Cheng PaCor 2021 - International Symposium Parallel Corpora: Creation and ApplicationsInglés2021-06-23
Coping Strategies in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale: Dealing with LossAlicia Martínez Martín VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-09
Los anillos verdes en un contexto internacionalMaureen Carter-WhitneyCiclos de Paisaje: Anillos verdes en la planificaciónInglés2010-07-23
Archaeobiology: Research and Education in Southern European contextLydia Zapata Archaeology at the beginning of 21st centuryInglés2011-05-24
Oral corrective feedback and children language learnersRhonda Oliver Corrective feedback in L2 LearningInglés2013-05-24
You Are Not Alone: Narratives of Mental Health in Chicana LiteratureAmaia Soroa IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New FormsInglés2018-10-08
Losing Dialects, Losing Identities: the example of Eliza and Mr. Doolittle (Pygmalion) Edurne Goñi Alsúa Congreso internacional sobre trasvases culturalesInglés2019-10-04
Run away! The tip and the iceberg of core vocabulary Belén Labrador PaCor 2021 - International Symposium Parallel Corpora: Creation and ApplicationsInglés2021-06-23
The Mythopoetic Value of the Tree of Gernika and its Impact in Tolkien’s The Lord of the RingsDavid Bernabé VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-09
DebateDavid Gordon - Heather Harding - Maureen Carter-WhitneyCiclos de Paisaje: Anillos verdes en la planificaciónInglés2010-07-23
ColoquioMartin Carver, Alfonso Vigil-Escalera Guirado, Lydia Zapata Archaeology at the beginning of 21st centuryInglés2011-05-24
ClosureAlison Mackey Corrective feedback in L2 LearningInglés2013-05-24
Western all’italiana: Influences of the Old West and its Archetypes on the Italian (American) ImaginationEva Sañudo IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New FormsInglés2018-10-08
Literalism, Multilinguism, Identity: Self-Translation in Sueños/Dreams, by Sabine R. UlibarríÁngel Chaparro Saínz Congreso internacional sobre trasvases culturalesInglés2019-10-04
Building a parallel corpus for Portuguese Tetum João Almeida PaCor 2021 - International Symposium Parallel Corpora: Creation and ApplicationsInglés2021-06-23
A World of Open Doors: The Nomadic Gaze in Mohsin Hamid’s Exit WestEsra Coker Korpez IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New FormsInglés2018-10-08
Simplication in English-Hungarian translated and interpreted texts in an inter-modal English-Hungarian "sub-corpus" Timea Kovács PaCor 2021 - International Symposium Parallel Corpora: Creation and ApplicationsInglés2021-06-23
Myth in PerformanceHari Marini VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-10
Videoconferencia: 'Beyond the language given: Language processing from an embrained perspective'Peter HagoortBeyond the language given: Language processing from an embrained perspectiveInglés2012-03-23
Contemporary Trends in Western American StudiesNEIL CAMPBELL, NANCY COOK, DAVID RÍO , WILLIAM H HANDLEY IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New FormsInglés2018-10-08
Using multilingual parallel corpus for Journalistic Translation Research: (re)constructing national images via global news in English, Chinese and Spanish Li Biwei PaCor 2021 - International Symposium Parallel Corpora: Creation and ApplicationsInglés2021-06-23
Echoes of Myth in Space Opera: Genre Evolution and New Developments in The Long Way to a Small, Angry PlanetAne B. Ruiz-Lejarcegui VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-10
The problem of barns and crop storage in Anglo-Saxon EnglandMark GardinerHorrea, Graneros y Silos. Almacenaje y rentas en las aldeas de la Alta Edad MediaInglés2011-06-07
Powerpoint de la videoconferencia: 'Beyond the language given: Language processing from an embrained perspective'Peter HagoortBeyond the language given: Language processing from an embrained perspectiveInglés2012-03-23
Thomas Pynchon Stretches West to EastMatthew Cissell IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New FormsInglés2018-10-08

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