Letren Fakultatea


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Pasquino, a shoemaker? Academic Origins and Ecclesiastic Use of an Opponent of Papacy in 16th-Century RomeMarta De Pedis VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-07
Generalizability of processing instruction researchAlessandro BenatiInternational Seminar on Instructed Second Language LearningInglés2011-05-13
Humanist Colonisation, Trashumanist Frontiers and Posthumanist Challenges: The Reconfiguration of the American West in TV Series ‘Altered Carbon’Amaya Fernández Menicucci TRASVASES CULTURALES DEL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO: MÁS ALLÁ DE LAS FRONTERAS - III SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL Inglés2021-10-05
Owen Barfield on Owen Barfield Continued...Owen A. Barfield VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-07
ClosingInternational Seminar on Instructed Second Language LearningInglés2011-05-13
Glaurung, Heir of Fáfnir: Tolkien’s Reading of Old Norse Dragon MythMiguel Andrade VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-07
Gandalf: One of the Maiar in Tolkien’s Middle-earthGuillermo Spirito VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-07
The Relevance of Rivendell’s Growing Cultural Value from The Hobbit to The Lord of the RingsAndoni Cossío VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-07
Shedding Light on the Myth of Darkness: Evil in Terry Pratchetts Carpe Jugulum, Bram Stokers Dra. Amaya Fernández Menicucci Myth in the Arts. Mitos en las Artes. III Conferencia InternacionalInglés2018-09-24
The Role of Place in the Fluctuations of Ged’s Identity in Le Guin’s Earthsea CycleJon Alkorta Martiartu VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-07
Corruption in The Lord of the Rings: Ignoring the Effects of Power and TechnologyMarc Brun Myth in the Arts. Mitos en las Artes. III Conferencia InternacionalInglés2018-09-24
Teatro kamishibai VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-07
Video Promocional de la Facultad de Letras( version 27-10-2010 ) Video Promocional de la Facultad de Letras( version 27-10-2010 )Ingles2010-10-27
The Vitorian Society - PresentationMarc Brun Myth in the Arts. Mitos en las Artes. III Conferencia InternacionalInglés2018-09-24
Tragically Beautiful: The Loss of the Monstrous in Contemporary Romantic NarrativeOlatz Rebeca Buesa Aguirre VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-08
Right Here, Right Now: The Latinx Speculative PresentMatthew David Goodwin VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-09
Prometheus Reimagined: A Comparative Analysis of the Myth in Don DeLillo’s Falling ManMikel Barea Pérez VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-09
El Olimpo ateniense: mito y política en la comedia griegaDra. Mª José García Soler Myth in the Arts. Mitos en las Artes. III Conferencia InternacionalInglés2018-09-25
Stephen King’s Christine and the Myth of Male PowerLuis Florencio Díaz Pulido VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-09
Un viaje heróico introspectivo: metamorfosis y peregrinaje en Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsBelén Galván Myth in the Arts. Mitos en las Artes. III Conferencia InternacionalInglés2018-09-25
From Irish Myth to Literary Tradition: The Image of the Mórrígan in Charles Maturin’s The Fatal Revenge; or, the Family of Montorio (1807) and Eileen Casey’s Beneath Green Hills (2015)Charlie Jorge VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-09
Appropriating Magic Realism to Counter the Legacy of Violence: Jan Carson’s The Fire StartersOlga Fernández Vicente VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-09
Appropriating the Irish Faerie: Reinterpreting the Trope of ‘The Good People’ in J.S. Le Fanu’s The Child that Went with the Fairies (1870) and Claire Keegan’s The Night of the Quicken Trees (2007)Richard Jorge VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-09
Dragons in Ursula K. LeGuins Earthsea: the Revision of a MythJon Alkorta Myth in the Arts. Mitos en las Artes. III Conferencia InternacionalInglés2018-09-25

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