Letren Fakultatea


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Datu basean dauden bideoen zenbatekoa: 4652.
Guztiaren iraupena: 3261 Ordu, 11 minutu.

Royal Vills and Villages in Northern EuropeDr. Frode IversenInternational conference 'Archaeology of villages in early middle ages'Inglés2008-11-20
Mobiles, language teaching and learning. Why is there so much interest in the idea of mobile learning?Gary Motteram LASLAB WORKSHOP ON LANGUAGE "Educating for change: Innovative foreign language approaches"Inglés2017-05-19
Coloquio sobre las intervenciones de primera sesiónMarco Valenti, Andrew Reynolds, Helen Hamerow, Elisabeth Zadora Rio, Dr. Frode IversenInternational conference 'Archaeology of villages in early middle ages'Inglés2008-11-20
Flipped Learning. A gateway to learning for lifeRobert Talbert​ LASLAB WORKSHOP ON LANGUAGE "Educating for change: Innovative foreign language approaches"Inglés2017-05-19
CLIL meets Flipped Learning: A successful couple of teaching and learning approaches. Good practice examplesPatrizia Cugusi​ LASLAB WORKSHOP ON LANGUAGE "Educating for change: Innovative foreign language approaches"Inglés2017-05-19
Task design for L2 production, interaction, and development: Research and pedagogic innovationsRoger Gilabert LASLAB WORKSHOP ON LANGUAGE "Educating for change: Innovative foreign language approaches"Inglés2017-05-19
OpeningMaría del Pilar García Mayo XVth International LASLAB WorkshopInglés2019-05-10
Concluding remarksThe Language and Speech (LASLAB) research group LASLAB WORKSHOP ON LANGUAGE "Educating for change: Innovative foreign language approaches"Inglés2017-05-19
Classroom contexts for learning: Global and local perspectives on primary EnglishJanet Enever XVth International LASLAB WorkshopInglés2019-05-10
Geolinguistics: Google linguistic geography and worldwide borrowingsFumio Inoue Conferences on JapaneseInglés2013-05-07
Classroom research: working with children as co-researchers and researchersAnnamaria Pinter XVth International LASLAB WorkshopInglés2019-05-10
Changes from dialect to standard language -Using Gottogram method-Akemi Yamashita Conferences on JapaneseInglés2013-05-07
Picture books, the intercultural domain and citizenship education in early language learningSandie Mourão XVth International LASLAB WorkshopInglés2019-05-10
Teaching English in primary school: teacher education and qualification in GermanyRaphaela Porsch XVth International LASLAB WorkshopInglés2019-05-10
L1 and L2 use in primary EFL education and the role of teachers’ L2 proficiencyEva Wilden XVth International LASLAB WorkshopInglés2019-05-10
Peaceful Popular Protest against Intolerant Catholic Rulers Germany and the Low Countries, 16th century Wim Blockmans Peaceful Popular Protest against Intolerant Catholic Rulers Germany and the Low Countries, 16th century Inglés2019-10-11
Hizkuntza gutxituen eta inmertsio eskoletako irakasleen prestakuntza GalesenEnlli Thomas Hizkuntza gutxituen irakasleen prestakuntza: Ahozko hizkuntza irakasteko trebetasunak eta baliabideak Inglés2019-01-18
OpeningRaúl Montero Myth in the ArtsInglés2019-09-23
The Good, the Bad, and the Omen: Evil and its Myths in Terry Pratchett’s WorkDra. Amaya Fernández Myth in the ArtsInglés2019-09-23
La mitología asturiana y su transformación en literaturaJonathan Alwars Myth in the ArtsInglés2019-09-23
OpeningMª Pilar García MayoThird language (L3) acquisition: a focus on cognitive approachesInglés2012-05-24
Ikastaroaren aurkezpenaEUSTAT ikastaroak 2014Inglés2013-11-21
Temporarily Heroic: The Rise and Fall of Arminius/Hermann in German NationalismMartin Lindner Aniho - Héroes y heroínas de la Antigüedad en los imaginarios contemporáneosInglés2023-11-10
What's special about multilinualism?Kees de Bot, Carol JaenschThird language (L3) acquisition: a focus on cognitive approachesInglés2012-05-24
Statistical Matching. Metodological issue and practise with R-StatMatchMarcello D'orazioEUSTAT ikastaroak 2014Inglés2013-11-21

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