| Coloquio (sesiones VI-VII) | Alicia Ruiz, Enrique Melchor | MEMORIA CIVITATVM Ciudadanía, Ciudad y Comunidad Cívica en Hispania (74-212) | Español | 2018-11-05 |
| Clausura | Estíbaliz Ortiz de Urbina, Mª Cruz González | MEMORIA CIVITATVM Ciudadanía, Ciudad y Comunidad Cívica en Hispania (74-212) | Español | 2018-11-05 |
| 1er Seminario sobre Interpretación y Nuevas Tecnologías | Óscar Jiménez Serrano | 1er Seminario sobre Interpretación y Nuevas Tecnologías | Español | 2018-10-29 |
| Standing on the shoulders of peasants: who led innovation in early medieval English farming? | Mark McKerracher | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-26 |
| Peripheral landscapes and mountains areas (5th-9th centuries): The case study of Revenga (Burgos) | Karen Álvaro and Esther Travé | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-26 |
| Unequal peasants in the Early Medieval setting of Hispania | Alfonso Vigil-Escalera | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-26 |
| The collective action of the peasantry in the Kingdom of León (9th-11th centuries): some perspectives of analysis from the written sources | Álvaro Carvajal Castro, Julio Escalona, Iñaki Martín Viso, Igor Santos | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-26 |
| Conclusions | Margarita Fernández Mier | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-26 |
| Welcome address from authorities | Iñaki Bazán, Askoa Ibisate | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-25 |
| Introducton | Juan Antonio Quirós | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-25 |
| Opening keynote. Gardens and gardening in Early Medieval Spain and Portugal | Wendy Davies | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-25 |
| What the Iberian Copper Age can tell us about peasant societies | Pedro Díaz del Río | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-25 |
| An appraisal of later prehistoric peasantry in northern Iberia (secondo-first millenia BC) via moral and political economies | Antonio Blanco-González | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-25 |
| The economic Anthropology of Roman Peasantry: Old Problems and Current Trends | Jesús Bermejo Tirado | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-25 |
| Archaeobotanical contribution to the history of farming practices in medieval northern Catalonia (8th-13th c.) | Jérôme Ros and Olivier Passarrius,with the collaboration of Carole Puig, Jérôme Kotarba, Julien Mantenant, Nicolas Guinaudeau | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-25 |
| Landscapes and rural practices of some peasant communities of the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula from Antiquity to Modern times through the surface record | Julia Sarabia | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-25 |
| Within a countryside cemetery of the 5th-7th century: selected remarks on organization and economy | Joan Pinar Gil | Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policy | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-25 |
| El realismo popular en las revoluciones hispánicas | Marcela Echeverri | Reacción y realismo popular en la era de las revoluciones (1789-1848) | Español | 2018-10-18 |
| La contrarrevolución y la atirrevolución realista en una perspectiva europea. | Ramón Arnabat | Reacción y realismo popular en la era de las revoluciones (1789-1848) | Español | 2018-10-18 |
| Realismo popular y politización contrarrevolucionaria en los barrios bajos de Madrid (1823-1833) | Álvaro París | Reacción y realismo popular en la era de las revoluciones (1789-1848) | Español | 2018-10-18 |
| Social Discipline and Disciplined Dissent: Religious and Moral Discipline in England, 1470-1640 | Martin Ingram | La investigación histórica y las ciencias sociales | Inglés | 2018-10-17 |
| Costumbre, poder y disentimiento parlamentario en la Cataluña medieval y moderna | Tomás de Montagut i Estragués | La investigación histórica y las ciencias sociales | Inglés | 2018-10-17 |
| GARABIDEren aurkezpena | Maialen Sobrino | GARABIDE: Hizkuntzak Biziberritzeko Estrategiak | Euskera | 2018-10-15 |
| Los Kurdos, el idioma Kurdo y Kurdistán | Suna Altun | GARABIDE: Hizkuntzak Biziberritzeko Estrategiak | Español | 2018-10-15 |
| Mapuzugun, Lengua Mapuche, Lengua de Wallmapu | Sergio Marinao | GARABIDE: Hizkuntzak Biziberritzeko Estrategiak | Español-Euskera | 2018-10-15 |