Letren Fakultatea


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Datu basean dauden bideoen zenbatekoa: 4539.
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The village imagined: social complexity in the Versus de UniboveCharles West Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-18
En torno a la apropiación del territorio en el marco local: un ejemplo del Medio Rin (siglo VIII)Juan José Larrea Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesEspañol2019-09-17
Wilderness as a resource? A few thoughts about royal states in he Vosges and Ardennes, 7th-9th c.Nicholas Schroeder Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-17
Alla base della complessità sociale nella "Lombardia" occidentale: l´acqua tra Vercelli e Novara (ss. X-XI)Beatrice Del Bo Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesItaliano2019-09-18
II. Interpreting Local Strength - I - Morning discussionJuan José Larrea, Charles West, Nicolas Schoeder, Beatrice Del Bo Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-18
All I have is yours: from common to public in tenth-century CastileJulio Escalona Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-18
I beni comuni e la sfida della complessità socialeRiccardo Rao Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesItaliano2019-09-18
II. Interpreting Local Strength - II - Afternoon discussionJulio Escalona, Riccardo Rao Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-18
ConclusionsChris Wickham Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-18
Burujabetza feministaSaioa IraolaSoberanías y soberanía. Garaipen txikien bidez Euskal Herria burujabeEuskera2018-06-21
Pertsona migratuekin batera eraikitako prozesu integratzaileaJean Rolande DacougnaSoberanías y soberanía. Garaipen txikien bidez Euskal Herria burujabeEspañol2018-06-21
Ekonomia sozial eta solidarioa libre izatekoJordi García JanéSoberanías y soberanía. Garaipen txikien bidez Euskal Herria burujabeEspañol2018-06-21
Sistemak kolpatzen dituenentzako prozesuaHedoi EtxarteSoberanías y soberanía. Garaipen txikien bidez Euskal Herria burujabeEuskera2018-06-21
Ekonomia sozial eraldatzailea langile klasearentzatOscar García JuradoSoberanías y soberanía. Garaipen txikien bidez Euskal Herria burujabeEspañol2018-06-22
Alternatibak puntukaMaitane Unzu; Amaia Oleaga; Estitxu Eizagirre; Marian Díez; Soberanías y soberanía. Garaipen txikien bidez Euskal Herria burujabeEspañol-Euskera2018-06-22
Iparraldeko bideak: EHLG, Eusko, Herri Elkargoa, armagabetzea...Txetx EtcheberrySoberanías y soberanía. Garaipen txikien bidez Euskal Herria burujabeEspañol-Euskera2018-06-22
ELAren erronkak: prekarietatea, alternatibak, burujabetza.Txiki MuñozSoberanías y soberanía. Garaipen txikien bidez Euskal Herria burujabeEspañol-Euskera2018-06-22
OndorioakXabi AnzaSoberanías y soberanía. Garaipen txikien bidez Euskal Herria burujabeEspañol-Euskera2018-06-22
Sistemas de evaluación en Humanidades y CHAT GPT: Orientaciones desde la experienciaManuel Díaz Ordoñez Sistemas de evaluación en Humanidades y CHAT GPT: Orientaciones desde la experienciaEspañol2024-01-24
Homogeneity and plurals: from the stronger meaning hypothesis to supervaluationsBenjamin Spector Sinn und Bedeutung 18 Inglés2013-09-11
Unembedded indirect discourseCorien Bary and Emar Maier Sinn und Bedeutung 18 Inglés2013-09-11
Circumstantial modality and the diversity conditionGuillaume Thomas Sinn und Bedeutung 18 Inglés2013-09-11
Encoding strength of exhaustivity within the question nucleusAndreea Nicolae Sinn und Bedeutung 18 Inglés2013-09-11
An experimental comparison between presuppositions and indirect scalar implicaturesFlorian Schwarz and Jacopo Romoli Sinn und Bedeutung 18 Inglés2013-09-11
Tense and Mood in Counterfactual Conditionals: the View from SpanishMaribel Romero Sinn und Bedeutung 18 Inglés2013-09-11

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