Mintegiaren aurkezpena | Sergio escribano, Agustin Azkarate, Mariajesus Pacho | Ipar Atlantiar Kostaldeko Arrantzaren Arkeologia. Kultur Paisaiak eta Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra | Euskera | 2016-12-14 | |
Basque Sites in Canada, a general overview | Brad Loewen | Ipar Atlantiar Kostaldeko Arrantzaren Arkeologia. Kultur Paisaiak eta Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra | Inglés | 2016-12-14 | |
Euskal izen erroak Kanadiar itsasertzean | Miren Egaña | Ipar Atlantiar Kostaldeko Arrantzaren Arkeologia. Kultur Paisaiak eta Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra | Euskera | 2016-12-14 | |
Ternuako euskal aztarnategiatako zeramika | Sergio Escribano | Ipar Atlantiar Kostaldeko Arrantzaren Arkeologia. Kultur Paisaiak eta Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra | Euskera | 2016-12-14 | |
Euskal makailu arrantza Mainen, azken aurkikuntzak | Xabier Alberdi | Ipar Atlantiar Kostaldeko Arrantzaren Arkeologia. Kultur Paisaiak eta Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra | Euskera | 2016-12-14 | |
Lehen eguneko galdera saioa | Ipar Atlantiar Kostaldeko Arrantzaren Arkeologia. Kultur Paisaiak eta Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra | Euskera | 2016-12-14 | ||
"Euskal Balezaleen Triskantza" filmearen solasaldia | Ipar Atlantiar Kostaldeko Arrantzaren Arkeologia. Kultur Paisaiak eta Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra | Euskera | 2016-12-14 | ||
Talka kulturala eta kolonialismoa egungo Kanadan | Sergio Escribano | Ipar Atlantiar Kostaldeko Arrantzaren Arkeologia. Kultur Paisaiak eta Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra | Euskera | 2016-12-15 | |
First nations and Basques, actions and interactions | Brad Loewen | Ipar Atlantiar Kostaldeko Arrantzaren Arkeologia. Kultur Paisaiak eta Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra | Inglés | 2016-12-15 | |
Basque fisheries and its linguistics consequences over seas | Peter Bakker | Ipar Atlantiar Kostaldeko Arrantzaren Arkeologia. Kultur Paisaiak eta Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra | Inglés | 2016-12-15 | |
Aro Modernoko Euskal Paisaiaren eraldaketa eta kontinentearteko arrantza | Maialen Galdos | Ipar Atlantiar Kostaldeko Arrantzaren Arkeologia. Kultur Paisaiak eta Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra | Euskera | 2016-12-15 | |
Arkeologia esperimentala San Juan baleontziaren eraikuntzan | Sara Hidalgo | Ipar Atlantiar Kostaldeko Arrantzaren Arkeologia. Kultur Paisaiak eta Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra | Euskera | 2016-12-15 | |
Bigarren eguneko galdera saioa | Sergio Escribano, Brad Loewen, Peter Bakker, Maialen Galdos, Sara Hidalgo | Ipar Atlantiar Kostaldeko Arrantzaren Arkeologia. Kultur Paisaiak eta Ondarearen UNESCO Katedra | Euskera | 2016-12-15 | |
Investigaciones sobre palabras latinas: El léxico de la administración del Estado y su pervivencia | Matilde Conde Salazar | Investigaciones sobre palabras latinas: El léxico de la administración del Estado y su pervivencia | Español | 2018-04-12 | |
Opening Session | Oscar Alvarez Gila | International workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration. | Ingles / Español | 2010-12-16 | |
Virgins and Maids. Women and migration in the Royal Congregations of Madrid, 1684-1812. | Alberto Angulo Morales | International workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration. | Español / Ingles | 2010-12-16 | |
The Women and the Society of Jesús. | Mª Rosario Porres Marijuán | International workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration. | Español / Ingles | 2010-12-16 | |
Women and the domestic service. The visibility of the Uniform. | Ana Isabel Ugalde Gorostiza | International workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration. | Español / ingles | 2010-12-16 | |
Female migration during Early Modern Age: What we know and what we should know. | Ofelia Rey Castelao | International workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration. | Español / ingles | 2010-12-17 | |
Daughters, Wifes and Widows. Women's participation in Basque immigrants' institutions in Latin America | Oscar Alvarez Gila | International workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration. | Inglés | 2010-12-16 | |
'When you imagine the ideal of the woman...' Ethnic Womanhood in the Swedish-American publications for Children and Youth (1890-1920) | Agnieszka Stasiewicz | International workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration. | Inglés | 2010-12-16 | |
Female Garment Workersin Minneapolis and their Work at the Northwestern Knitting Company in the 1910s | Lars Olsson | International workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration. | Inglés | 2010-12-16 | |
The Polish Women's Alliance in America on Migrants' Children, 1898-1920 | Adam Walaszek | International workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration. | Inglés | 2010-12-16 | |
From Sin to Sears: Norwegian Women in New York and the Transformation of the immigrant Body, 1946-1965 | Siv Ringdal | International workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration. | Inglés | 2010-12-17 | |
First Exile: Spanish Republican Women and the French Camps (1939) | José María Naharro-Calderón | International workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration. | Inglés | 2010-12-17 |