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Datu basean dauden bideoen zenbatekoa: 4652.
Guztiaren iraupena: 3261 Ordu, 11 minutu.

Middle ages climatic changes from terrestial archives in the MediterraneanGiovanni Zanchetta Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Inglés2012-11-15
Animal husbandry practices in the Iberian Peninsula during the Early Middle AgesMarta Moreno Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Inglés2012-11-15
Zooarchaeology of Early Medieval Basque CountryIdoia Grau Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Inglés2012-11-15
Discussion session ITerry O'ConnorGiovanni ZanchettaMarta MorenoIdoia Grau Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Inglés2012-11-15
Environmental and land-use changes during early medieval period in Southwestern France: new insights from palaeoecological recordsDidier Galop Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Inglés2012-11-15
Natural resources, land uses and landscape zapping in the Iberian Peninsula from Roman to Medieval times: historical palaeoenviromental dataSantiago Riera Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Inglés2012-11-15
El paisaje vegetal de la Alta Edad Media en el País Vasco a través de los análisis paleopalinológicosBegoña Hernández Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Español2012-11-15
Discussion session IIDidier Galop, Santiago Riera, Begoña Hernández Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Inglés2012-11-15
Gli Animali nell'economia e nell'alimentazione dell'Italia altomedievale. Suggestioni archeozoologicheFrank Salvadori Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Italiano2012-11-16
Archaeobotanical light on early medieval farming in FranceMarie Pierre Ruas Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Inglés2012-11-16
Farming in early medieval ItalyMauro Rottoli Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Español2012-11-16
Exploring Medieval Farming: Archaeobotanical data from the Iberian PeninsulaLeonor Peña, Lydia Zapata, Itsaso Sopelana Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Español2012-11-16
Discussion session IIIFrank Salvadori, Lydia Zapata Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Inglés2012-11-16
ConclusionPam J. Crabtree, Margarita Fernández Archaeology of farming and animal husbandry in Early Medieval europe (5th-10th centuries)Inglés2012-11-16
Welcome address from authoritiesIñaki Bazán, Askoa Ibisate Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-25
IntroductonJuan Antonio Quirós Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-25
Opening keynote. Gardens and gardening in Early Medieval Spain and PortugalWendy Davies Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-25
What the Iberian Copper Age can tell us about peasant societiesPedro Díaz del Río Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-25
An appraisal of later prehistoric peasantry in northern Iberia (secondo-first millenia BC) via moral and political economiesAntonio Blanco-González Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-25
The economic Anthropology of Roman Peasantry: Old Problems and Current TrendsJesús Bermejo Tirado Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-25
Archaeobotanical contribution to the history of farming practices in medieval northern Catalonia (8th-13th c.)Jérôme Ros and Olivier Passarrius,with the collaboration of Carole Puig, Jérôme Kotarba, Julien Mantenant, Nicolas Guinaudeau Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-25
Landscapes and rural practices of some peasant communities of the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula from Antiquity to Modern times through the surface recordJulia Sarabia Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-25
Within a countryside cemetery of the 5th-7th century: selected remarks on organization and economyJoan Pinar Gil Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-25
Standing on the shoulders of peasants: who led innovation in early medieval English farming?Mark McKerracher Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-26
Peripheral landscapes and mountains areas (5th-9th centuries): The case study of Revenga (Burgos)Karen Álvaro and Esther Travé Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-26

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