| I Rethinking Central Authority - Morning discussion | Maria Elena Cortese, Giuseppe Albertoni, Iñaki Martín Viso | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Inglés | 2019-09-17 |
| Competition as politics: Castile and Lombardy compared (890-950) | Igor Santos Salazar | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Inglés | 2019-09-17 |
| The fragile pillars of a strengthening monarchy? Aristocrats of wavering loyalty in the kingdom of Asturias-León c. 1000 | Álvaro Carvajal | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Inglés | 2019-09-17 |
| I Rethinking Central Authority - II - Afternoon discussion | Igor Santos Salazar, Álvaro Carvajal | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Inglés | 2019-09-17 |
| Central authority and local power in english law, c. 670-c.1050 | Tom Lambert | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Inglés | 2019-09-17 |
| The village imagined: social complexity in the Versus de Unibove | Charles West | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Inglés | 2019-09-18 |
| En torno a la apropiación del territorio en el marco local: un ejemplo del Medio Rin (siglo VIII) | Juan José Larrea | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Español | 2019-09-17 |
| Wilderness as a resource? A few thoughts about royal states in he Vosges and Ardennes, 7th-9th c. | Nicholas Schroeder | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Inglés | 2019-09-17 |
| Alla base della complessità sociale nella "Lombardia" occidentale: l´acqua tra Vercelli e Novara (ss. X-XI) | Beatrice Del Bo | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Italiano | 2019-09-18 |
| II. Interpreting Local Strength - I - Morning discussion | Juan José Larrea, Charles West, Nicolas Schoeder, Beatrice Del Bo | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Inglés | 2019-09-18 |
| All I have is yours: from common to public in tenth-century Castile | Julio Escalona | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Inglés | 2019-09-18 |
| I beni comuni e la sfida della complessità sociale | Riccardo Rao | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Italiano | 2019-09-18 |
| II. Interpreting Local Strength - II - Afternoon discussion | Julio Escalona, Riccardo Rao | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Inglés | 2019-09-18 |
| Conclusions | Chris Wickham | Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries | Inglés | 2019-09-18 |
| Presentación de la jornada | Andoni Llamazáres Martín | Spatialis 2023 | Español-Euskera | 2023-10-19 |
| Assessing institutional and ideological changes: The transformation of Greek demokratia in the Late Hellenistic and early Imperial periods | Cédric Brélaz | Spatialis 2023 | Español-Euskera | 2023-10-19 |
| Politics and epigraphy in the Aetolian Koinon at the coming of Rome | Giorgos Mitropoulos | Spatialis 2023 | Inglés | 2023-10-19 |
| The emergence of cash distributions in the euergetism of the Greek east under Roman rule | Marcus Chin | Spatialis 2023 | Inglés | 2023-10-19 |
| Change in civic epigraphy of Phoenicia at the arrival of Rome | Piotr Glogowski | Spatialis 2023 | Inglés | 2023-10-19 |
| Preguntas y debate (Sesión mañana) | | Spatialis 2023 | Inglés | 2023-10-19 |
| La epigrafía honorífica de Sicilia en el tardohelenismo: evergetas y oficiales romanos | Andoni Llamazares Martín | Spatialis 2023 | Español | 2023-10-19 |
| Hacía una cartografía social y jurídica de la onomástica romana republicana en Sicilia | David Espìnosa Espinosa | Spatialis 2023 | Español | 2023-10-19 |
| La novedad epigráfica: el paisaje de Lusitania en época augustea | Susana Marcos | Spatialis 2023 | Español | 2023-10-19 |
| Preguntas y debate (Sesión tarde) | | Spatialis 2023 | Español | 2023-10-19 |
| Presentación de la Jornada | Lydia Vázquez | Sui generis: Igualdad y desigualdad genérica en las paraliteraturas | Español | 2014-03-24 |