| Entrega de diplomas y clausura | | 1er curso de experto de desarrollo profesional en salud mental comunitaria | Español | 2009-06-04 |
| 1er Seminario sobre Interpretación y Nuevas Tecnologías | Óscar Jiménez Serrano | 1er Seminario sobre Interpretación y Nuevas Tecnologías | Español | 2018-10-29 |
| Jardunaldiaren aurkezpena // Presentación de la jornada | Belén Bengoetxea | 2. Arkeologia emakumeekin // Arqueología con arqueólogas II | Español-Euskera | 2025-02-11 |
| Arqueología pública y socialización. Retos en el cambio de los discursos | Bea Comendador Rey | 2. Arkeologia emakumeekin // Arqueología con arqueólogas II | Español | 2025-02-11 |
| Mujeres del pasado. Retos para una historia inclusiva. | Paula Jardón Giner | 2. Arkeologia emakumeekin // Arqueología con arqueólogas II | Español | 2025-02-11 |
| Debate | Bea Comendador Rey; Paula Jardón Giner; | 2. Arkeologia emakumeekin // Arqueología con arqueólogas II | Español | 2025-02-11 |
| Opening | | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| Investigating metalinguistic awareness in primary education | Christine Möller-Omrani | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| Young learners’ metalinguistic awareness in a task-supported EFL teaching intervention | Elisabet Pladevall-Ballester1, Montse Capdevila1 & Eloi Puig-Mayenco2 | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| Audio-synchronised textual enhancement and pronunciation with young CLIL learners | Raúl Azpilicueta-Martínez & Nora Ocáriz Tejada | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| Pronunciation learning strategies in CLIL and EFL primary education learners: A quantitative study | Pedro Humánez-Berral | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| Task engagement in EFL children’s pair talk during an instructional grammar sequence | María Dolores García-Pastor | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| The potential of English AVENUES (Audio-Visual Enrichment Unlocked in Elementary School) | Alexandra Schurz 1 & Shona Whyte 2 | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| Enhancing young learners’ collaboration through task design. What can language pedagogy learn from research? | Tomas Kos | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| Supporting learner-to-learner interaction: Linguistic and visual resources in a synchronous oral telecollaborative task | Shona Whyte 1 & Ciara R. Wigham 2 | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| The treatment of Spanish as a language of instruction in the educational centres of Castilla- La Mancha: Current situation and future prospects | Juana María Blanco Fernández | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| Boosting language skills: The power of CLIL and extramural English for primary school students | Amparo Lázaro-Ibarrola | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| Exploring the impact of intensity on reading, listening, and writing skills in English, Basque, and Spanish | Izaskun Villarreal & María Ángeles Hidalgo | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| Bridging cultures and enhancing learning: CLIL in ethnic minority schools in Georgia | Nana Akofyani | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| Basque and Occitan in New Aquitaine schools: Philosophical arguments underlying linguistic diversity | Elizabeth Pérez-Izaguirre, Omar García-Zabaleta, Mikel Torres Aldave & Ion Arrieta | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| Before and beyond the classroom: The importance of young learners’ self-initiated engagement with L2 English | Pia Sundqvist | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-17 |
| Picturebooks in early language education: From a little brown bear to a great big polar bear | Sandie Mourão | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-18 |
| Using picturebooks in teacher education at the primary level | Jill Kay Partridge Salomon | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-18 |
| Motivation and young language learners: The role of age and school factors | Nicola Morea, Rowena Kasprowicz, Hannah Davidson, Carmen Silvestri, Jasmin Silver & Suzanne Graham | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-18 |
| The role and effects of Bilingual Learning Assistants in supporting multilingual learners in schools | Joanna Rankin, Victoria Murphy & Hamish Chalmers | 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young Learners | Inglés | 2024-10-18 |