Letren Fakultatea


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Datu basean dauden bideoen zenbatekoa: 4539.
Guztiaren iraupena: 3187 Ordu, 24 minutu.

Locally Useless, Globally Informative: Redundancy and Scalar ImplicaturesClemens Mayr and Jacopo Romoli From Grammar to Meaning: the Spontaneous Logicality of LanguageA workshop in honor of Gennaro ChierchiaInglés2013-09-10
Lexical, Syntactic, and Pragmatic Sources of Individuation David Barner From Grammar to Meaning: the Spontaneous Logicality of LanguageA workshop in honor of Gennaro ChierchiaInglés2013-09-10
Acquisition Meets Comparison. An Investigation of Gradable Adjectives Francesca Foppolo and Francesca Panzeri From Grammar to Meaning: the Spontaneous Logicality of LanguageA workshop in honor of Gennaro ChierchiaInglés2013-09-10
Unification in Child Language Stephen Crain From Grammar to Meaning: the Spontaneous Logicality of LanguageA workshop in honor of Gennaro ChierchiaInglés2013-09-10
Drop Me Off in Winnemucca: Richmond Fontaine and Willy Vlautin's Critical Regionality NEIL CAMPBELL From Yodelers to Punk-Rockers: Music and the American WestInglés2016-11-02
Alice Bag: A Chicana Punk Story Soraya Alonso From Yodelers to Punk-Rockers: Music and the American WestInglés2016-11-02
Jason & The Aula Scorchers & The American West Toni Monserrat From Yodelers to Punk-Rockers: Music and the American WestInglés2016-11-02
Rock & West: An Incomplete and Unreliable Anthology Ángel Chaparro From Yodelers to Punk-Rockers: Music and the American WestInglés2016-11-02
Concierto / Gig / Kontzertua LOBO & CARMINE From Yodelers to Punk-Rockers: Music and the American WestInglés2016-11-02
Post-Western Soundtracks in TransnationaI Post-westerns Jesús Ángel González From Yodelers to Punk-Rockers: Music and the American WestInglés2016-11-02
Viaje de ida y vuelta: del corrido mexicano al Napar-Mex Maite Aperribay From Yodelers to Punk-Rockers: Music and the American WestInglés2016-11-02
De moda en moda y tiro porque me toca Patxi Urkijo From Yodelers to Punk-Rockers: Music and the American WestEspañol2016-11-02
HENDRIK RöVER (cantante y compositor; Los DelTonos) HENDRIK RöVER From Yodelers to Punk-Rockers: Music and the American WestEspañol2016-11-02
Bascos and Chicanos: Music as Transmission Monika Madinabeitia From Yodelers to Punk-Rockers: Music and the American WestEspañol2016-11-03
Chicanos and Bascos: Music as Transmission Eunate Arebiotorre From Yodelers to Punk-Rockers: Music and the American WestEspañol2016-11-03
FERNANDO NAVARRO FERNANDO NAVARRO From Yodelers to Punk-Rockers: Music and the American WestEspañol2016-11-03
GARABIDEren aurkezpenaMaialen Sobrino GARABIDE: Hizkuntzak Biziberritzeko EstrategiakEuskera2018-10-15
Los Kurdos, el idioma Kurdo y KurdistánSuna Altun GARABIDE: Hizkuntzak Biziberritzeko EstrategiakEspañol2018-10-15
Mapuzugun, Lengua Mapuche, Lengua de WallmapuSergio Marinao GARABIDE: Hizkuntzak Biziberritzeko EstrategiakEspañol-Euskera2018-10-15
EztabaidaMaialen Sobrino, Suna Altun, Sergio Marinao GARABIDE: Hizkuntzak Biziberritzeko EstrategiakEspañol-Euskera2018-10-15
3MariakArantxa Urretabizkaia Gaurko Euskal NarratibaEuskera2011-04-06
Fikzioaren errealitateaz bi hitz eta ipuin inedito batUr Apalategi Gaurko Euskal NarratibaEuskera2011-05-05
Musika aireanKarmele Jaio Gaurko Euskal NarratibaEuskera2011-02-23
Zazpi orduakMiren Agur Meabe Gaurko Euskal NarratibaEuskera2011-03-09
Gazteok Hauteskundeen aurreanPP, PSOE, Bildu, UP, Podemos/Equo, C'sGazteok Hauteskundeen aurreanEspañol2015-12-01

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