Sawyer Earliest Year Latest Year Archive Single Sheet(s) Issuing Authority Spurious Main Text Language Boundary Clause: Introduction Boundary Clause: Boundaries Witness List Endorsement Personal Names ending in -us: Main Text Personal Names ending in -us: Witness List
225 915 916 Abingdon Yes Other Lay Individual No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) No Introduction No Boundaries Latin No Pre-Conquest Endorsement No No
1088 1052 1066 Canterbury, Christ Church Yes King No Entirely OE No Introduction No Boundaries No Witness List No Pre-Conquest Endorsement No N/A
540 948 948 Winchester, Old Minster Yes King Yes Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) No Introduction Old English Latin Old English Yes Yes
1089 1052 1066 Canterbury, Christ Church Yes King Yes Almost Entirely OE No Introduction No Boundaries No Witness List No Pre-Conquest Endorsement No N/A
794 974 974 Ely Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) | Latin with Limited OE: Other Term(s) Mixed Old English Latin Old English No No
298 846 846 Winchester, Old Minster Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) Latin Old English Latin Old English No No
876 993 993 Abingdon Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) No Introduction No Boundaries Latin No Pre-Conquest Endorsement No No
1071 1044 1065 Bury St Edmunds Yes King No Entirely OE No Introduction No Boundaries No Witness List No Pre-Conquest Endorsement No N/A
1171 685 693 Barking Yes Other Lay Individual No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) Latin Mixed Latin Mixed Yes Yes
884 995 995 Muchelney Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) | Latin with Limited OE: Other Term(s) No Introduction No Boundaries Latin No Pre-Conquest Endorsement Yes Yes
1033 1061 1061 Rouen, St Mary's Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) No Introduction Old English Latin No Pre-Conquest Endorsement Yes Yes
636 956 956 Winchester, Old Minster Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) | Latin with Limited OE: Other Term(s) Mixed Old English Latin Old English No No
40 805 805 Canterbury, Christ Church Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) No Introduction No Boundaries Latin Old English No No
649 957 957 Winchester, Old Minster Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) | Latin with Limited OE: Other Term(s) Mixed Old English Latin Old English No No
41 805 807 Canterbury, Christ Church Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) No Introduction No Boundaries Latin Old English Yes Yes
65 704 704 Canterbury, Christ Church Yes King, Other Lay Individual No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) Latin Latin Latin Old English No Yes
106 767 767 Canterbury, Christ Church Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) No Introduction No Boundaries Latin Mixed No No
123 785 785 Canterbury, Christ Church Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) | Latin with Limited OE: Other Term(s) No Introduction No Boundaries Latin Old English No Yes
128 788 788 Canterbury, Christ Church Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) No Introduction No Boundaries Latin Old English No Yes
155 799 799 Canterbury, Christ Church Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) No Introduction No Boundaries Latin Old English Yes No
1084 1065 1066 Bury St Edmunds Yes King No Entirely OE No Introduction No Boundaries No Witness List No Pre-Conquest Endorsement No N/A
161 805 805 Canterbury, Christ Church Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) | Latin with Limited OE: Other Term(s) | No Introduction No Boundaries Latin Old English Yes Yes
163 808 808 Canterbury, Christ Church Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) Latin Mixed Latin Old English No No
168 811 811 Canterbury, Christ Church Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) No Introduction No Boundaries Latin Old English No No
697 961 961 Winchester, Old Minster Yes King No Latin with Limited OE: Topographical Term(s) | Latin with Limited OE: Other Term(s) Mixed Old English Latin Old English No No
Records 1 to 25 of 1655
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