ANE ART GALLERY: Abril 2015, Junio 2015    

MALEN PERFORMANCE: Febrero 2024       

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Otranto 08/22/2024

Iñaki Aguirre

Associate Professor

Department of Economic Analysis

Bilbao Labean

University of the Basque Country


Office: 3rd Floor, 38 (2C40)
Tlfn: 94 601 38 13 E-mail:



Industrial Economics
Game Theory.


Grado en Economía

Poder de Mercado y Estrategia.

- Microeconomics.

- Incertidumbre y Contratos.

Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas

- Microeconomía. Programa 2024-2025.

Máster en Economía: Instrumentos del Análisis Económico

- Organización Industrial Avanzada.

OFFICE HOURS- Lunes: de 8:30 a 10:30, miércoles de 8:30 a 10:00, jueves de 11:30 a 12:30 y viernes de 8:30 a 10:00.

I. Aguirre and A. Yenipazarli (2024):
"A Rationale for the Meeting Competition Defense under Primary-line Injury"
Southern Economic Journal, forthcoming
I. Aguirre (2019):
"Oligopoly Price Discrimination, Competitive Pressure and Total Output"
Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 13
(2019-52): 1-16.
I. Aguirre and A. Beitia (2017):
"Modelling Countervailing Incentives in Adverse Selection Models: A Synthesis"
Economic Modelling,
62, 82-89.
I. Aguirre (2016):
"On the Economics of the Meeting Competition Defense Under the Robinson-Patman Act"
The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 16 (3), 1213-1238.
I. Aguirre and S. Cowan (2015):
"Monopoly Price Discrimination with Constant Elasticity Demand"
Economic Theory Bulletin 3, 329-340.
I. Aguirre (2012):
"Third-Degree Price Discrimination: Apology not Necessary_Comment"

Atlantic Economic Journal 40 (2), pp. 185-189.                    
I. Aguirre (2012):
"Welfare Effects of Third-Degree Price Discrimination: Ippolito Meets Schmalensee and Varian"

in R. Laratta (ed) Social Welfare, InTech, ISBN 978-953-51-0208-3. Graphic Analysis of Third-Degree Price Discrimination.
I. Aguirre, S. Cowan and J. Vickers (2010):
"Monopoly Price Discrimination and Demand Curvature"
American Economic Review 100 (4), pp. 1601-1615.

Programa de Reconocimiento a la Excelencia Investigadora (REI).

I. Aguirre and A. Beitia (2008):
"Regulating a multiproduct monopolist with unknown demand: cross-subsidization and countervailing incentives"
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. Vol. 164, No. 4, pp. 652-675.
I. Aguirre (2008):
"Output and Misallocation Effects in Monopolistic Third-Degree Price Discrimination"
Economics Bulletin, Vol. 4, No 11 pp. 1-11.
I. Aguirre (2006):
"Monopolistic price discrimination and output effect under conditions of constant elasticity demand"
Economics Bulletin, Vol. 4, No. 23, pp.1-6.
I. Aguirre and A. Beitia (2004):
"Regulating a Monopolist with Unknown Demand: Costly Public Funds and the Value of Private Information"
Journal of Public Economic Theory, 6(5), pp. 691-704.
I. Aguirre and M.P. Espinosa (2004):
"Product Differentiation with Consumer Arbitrage"
International Journal of Industrial Organization 22, 219-239.
I. Aguirre and A. Martin (2001):
"On the Strategic Choice of Spatial Price Policy: the Role of the Pricing Game Rules"
Economics Bulletin, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 1-7.
I. Aguirre (2000) :
"Most-favoured-customer Pricing Policy and Competitive Advantage",
Bulletin of Economic Research 52:3, 215-223.
I. Aguirre (1999):
"Information Transmission and Incentives Not to Price Discriminate",
Spanish Economic Review 1, 283-299.
I. Aguirre, M.P. Espinosa and I. Macho (1998):
"Strategic Entry Deterrence through Spatial Price Discrimination",

Regional Science and Urban Economics 28, 297-314.


I. Aguirre, M.P. Espinosa and I. Macho:
"Strategic Entry Deterrence through Spatial Price Discrimination"
S.E.E.D.S. (Southern European Economics Discussion Series) D.P 119, 1994.
Biltoki, W.P. 95.08, University of the Basque Country, 1995.
I. Aguirre:
"Uniform Pricing: Good or Bad News about market Profitability"
S.E.E.D.S. (Southern European Economics Discussion Series) D.P 149, 1996.
I. Aguirre:
"Most-Favoured-Customer Pricing Policy as an Entry Deterrence"
S.E.E.D.S. (Southern European Economics Discussion Series) D.P 151
, 1996.
I. Aguirre and M. P. Espinosa:
"Explaining Minimum Product Differentiation through Consumer Behavior"
Biltoki, W.P. 97.04, University of the Basque Country, 1997.
I. Aguirre:
"Welfare Effects of Price Discrimination when Competition Varies across Markets"
Biltoki, W.P. 98.02, University of the Basque Country, 1998
I. Aguirre and A. Martín:
"On the Strategic Choice of Spatial Price Policy: the Role of the Pricing Game Rules"
Biltoki, W.P. 2001.04, University of the Basque Country, 2001
I. Aguirre and M.P. Espinosa (2004):
"Product Differentiation with Consumer Arbitrage"
Biltoki, W.P. 2003.04, University of the Basque Country, 2003.
I. Aguirre (2009):
"Joan Robinson Was Almost Right: Output under Third-Degree Price Discrimination"
IKERLANAK, Working Paper Series IL 38/09. Disponible en SSRN: working paper along with Simon Cowan and John Vickers'  Output and Welfare Effects in the Classic Monopoly Price Discrimination Problem and Simon Cowan's paper When does third-degree price discrimination reduce social welfare, and when does it raise it? formed the basis of Aguirre, Cowan and Vickers, American Economic Review, 2010.
I. Aguirre, S. Cowan and J. Vickers (2009):
"Monopoly Price Discrimination and Demand Curvature"  
IKERLANAK, Working Paper Series IL 39/09.
I. Aguirre (2011):
"Welfare Effects of Third-Degree Price Discrimination: Ippolito Meets Schmalensee and Varian"  
IKERLANAK, Working Paper Series IL 54/11. Output&MisallocationEffects.ppsx
I. Aguirre (2011):
"Multimarket Competition and Welfare Effects of Price Discrimination"  
IKERLANAK, Working Paper Series IL 55/11.
I. Aguirre and S. Cowan (2013):
"Monopoly Price Discrimination with Constant Elasticity Demand"  
IKERLANAK, Working Paper Series IL 74/13.
I. Aguirre and A. Beitia (2014):
"Countervailing Incentives in Adverse Selection Models: A Synthesis"  
IKERLANAK, Working Paper Series IL 84/14.
I. Aguirre (2015):
"On the Economics of the Meeting Competition Defense Under the Robinson-Patman Act"  
IKERLANAK, Working Paper Series IL 86/15.
I. Aguirre (2017):
"Cournot Oligopoly, Price Discrimination and Total Output"
MPRA Paper No. 80166.
I. Aguirre (2019):
"Oligopoly Price Discrimination, Competitive Pressure and Total Output"
Economics Discussion Papers, No 2019-50, Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
I. Aguirre and A. Yenipazarli (2022):
"A Rationale for the Meeting Competition Defense"
MPRA Paper No. 113746.
I. Aguirre and A. Beitia (2022):
"A General Analysis of Incentive Schemes in Adverse Selection Models with Altruism"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Last update: 09/02/2024