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What do we do?

From Euskoiker we help researchers with all administrative procedures relating to “university – company“, research projects, consultancy and technical assistance, expert reports, training, etc… and we also help with matters regarding information requested by the companies. The areas in which action is most frequently taken are as follows:

Facilitate the relationship between companies and researchers

With more than fourty years of experience, at Euskoiker we know company and university agents. Both companies and researchers can contact us for consultation regarding any matter relating to a research project, consultation and technical assistance, expert reports, training, etc, … (generically referred to on the website as “projects”).

How can we get in touch?

Administrative and documentation procedures

Throughout the life of a project a series of administrative documents are generated which are necessary for the proper development of the project: conformity of the company with the project, departmental approval, etc. In Euskoiker we manage all this documentation (compilation and completion of the necessary data as well as sending it to the right people, etc), so that the researchers do not have to get involved, except when it is absolutely necessary.

Information on procedures and documents

Expert reports

Do you need to contact an expert in order to request a specialist report? At the Foundation we collaborate with a wide range of teachers from different departments of the UPV/EHU who can help with any kind of expert need.

You can contact us by telephone or by completing the following form:

FUNDACIÓN EUSKOIKER te informa que los datos de carácter personal que me proporciones rellenando el presente formulario serán tratados por FUNDACIÓN EUSKOIKER (FUNDACIÓN EUSKOIKER) como responsable de esta web.

La finalidad de la recogida y tratamiento de los datos personales que te solicito es para gestionar la solicitud que realizas en este formulario de contacto.

Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado.

Como usuario e interesado te informo que los datos que me facilitas estarán ubicados en los servidores de la UPV. Hosting está ubicado en UE, un país cuyos nivel protección son adecuados según Comisión de la UE.

El hecho de que no introduzcas los datos de carácter personal que aparecen en el formulario como obligatorios podrá tener como consecuencia que no atender pueda tu solicitud.

Podrás ejercer tus derechos de acceso, rectificación, limitación y suprimir los datos en así como el derecho a presentar una reclamación ante una autoridad de control.

Puedes consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre Protección de Datos en mi página web:, así como consultar mi política de privacidad.

What benefits does Euskoiker have for the researchers?

If you are a UPV/EHU researcher, the projects, as well as allowing the development of your work in an environment in which your knowledge is practically applied in the market, also offer two very clear incentives:

  • Development of your academic career – Activities that involve the transfer of knowledge are assessed with allocation of scores into different tables (exchanging teaching staff, UNIQUAL, ANECA).
  • Financial Remuneration – Participation in projects can be remunerated by supplementary payments to your salary.

User Satisfaction

In a survey of its users (n=161), 98% stated that they were satisfied (54%) or very satisfied (44%) with the services of Euskoiker, considering them a much better alternative than any other (55%) when it comes to contracting projects. 85% of our users have recommended Euskoiker to other teachers and our services have an NPS of +53, meaning, 62 recommendations (39%) compared to 9 opponents (7%). Our users especially highlight the flexibility, comfort and efficient management of Euskoiker’s work.

(NOTE: The numerical data regarding the degree of satisfaction shown by our users comes from a survey conducted by email carried out by Euskoiker involving more than 350 participants, taking place between 24th of May and 3rd of June 2010. We received 161 valid responses from which the above results were taken.)

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