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Dr. Bryan Leferman completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Windsor (Canada) in Italian Studies (2006, with Great Distinction and Board of Governors Medal), and his doctorate at the UPV/EHU in Linguistics (2017, international mention and cum laude), where he has been teaching since 2014.

He has been the recipient of international scholarships from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Basque Government, as well as a visiting researcher at the University of Venice Ca’ Foscari, the University of Lille 3, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, the University of Toronto, and Pompeu Fabra University.

He researches in applied and theoretical linguistics. The applied research focuses on the development of advanced writing skills in non-native learners of English. The theoretical research focuses on the syntactic and semantic representation of argument structure and lexical aspect. He has been the member of nine research groups in theoretical linguistics and delivered over 30 presentations in national and international venues.

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