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Geografia, Historiaurrea eta Arkeologia
Letren Fakultatea
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Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo, Professor of Medieval Archaeology at the University of the Basque Country, Honorary Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Archaeology (University College London), and former Visiting Fellow at All Souls College (University of Oxford, 2018).

I am director of the “Heritage and Cultural Landscapes Research Group” of the University of the Basque Country from 2007 (25 researchers in different fields) and the Associate Unit “Rural Medieval Research Group” CSIC-UPV/EHU from 2016.

I have been in charge of five research projects in the framework of the Spanish National R&D&I Plan, four European Research projects and a number of national and regional funded actions awarded on a competitive basis. Besides this, I have been Principal Investigator of ca 50 research contracts with public institutions. Moreover, I have directed archaeological projects and excavations in Italy, France and Spain (Asturias, Basque Country and Castile and Leon).

I have been visiting professor in the universities of Lisbon, Bologna, Siena, Padua, Florence, Verona and London.

In the last ten years I have published 15 books, 60 chapter books, 42 papers in indexed journals and a number of other publications. Furthermore, I have given 41 keynotes and papers in workshops, conferences and congresses, as well as 32 communications. Besides this, I have organized from 2008 seminars “Conferences on Medieval Archaeology in Northern Iberia”.

XSLaren edukia

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