
XSLaren edukia

Proiektu Saiakerarako Laborategia

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IRURETAGOYENA BUSTURIA, ULAEuskal Herriko Unibertsitatea


Instrumentos para investigar e innovar en el diseño arquitectónico: Nuevas metodologías proyectuales, Taller de proceso creativo, Nuevas herramientas para la creación

Ikasgai-zerrenda eta bibliografia

  • This subject aims to initiate new and multiple searching ways in this complex career of permanent search, which is the architecture. In the last term of the degree, the subject ¿Architectural Design Experimental Lab¿ aims to get deeper into the architectural design via new paths and the research. New methods to face and think the architectural project design. Architect¿s profession is based on acquiring a theoretical knowledge to develop it¿s work. In the case of architectural design, students learn how to manage some useful tools for design development: study of the program and the site, building development, drawing, etc. In this course the research will be done from other systems, from different perspectives, seeking ¿other things¿; facing the architectural project in other ways, from other languages (written, visual, photographic or cinematographic), considering the project from the words, the concepts or the ideas. In this subject it¿s essential to develop what we call the ¿creative process¿: the searching of the primary concepts or intuitions to be later developed in the project. It¿s also a matter of this subject the work with the intangible part of the project process; with the abstract thinking and the diversity of construction materials, such as light. Searching in a ¿different manner¿, in other places, the foundations-ideas of the architectural design, as Pasqual Quingard¿s quote explains: ¿I stop in confusions, in the unfortunate images and in the short-circuits, more than in the complete thoughts liked by a premeditated system that holds them up.¿
  • Bibliografia:Francis Bacon. De la Sabiduría Egoísta. Madrid, Great ideas, Taurus. Santillana Editores, 2012

XSLaren edukia

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