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Caveolae: Mechanosensing and mechanotrasduction devices linking membrane trafficking to mechanoadaptation

Eguna: 2024/10/24
Ordua: 12:00
Lekua: Adela Moyua Gela

Caveolae: Mechanosensing and mechanotrasduction devices linking membrane trafficking to mechanoadaptation.”
Dr. Miguel Angel del Pozo. CNIC, Madrid


Información de la comunicación

  • Título: Caveolae: Mechanosensing and mechanotrasduction devices linking membrane trafficking to mechanoadaptation
  • Autoría: Vice-chancellor's office for Bizkaia campus and School of Science and Technology (UPV/EHU), Biofisika Foundation and Biofisika Institute (UPV/EHU-CSIC), Master in Molecular Biology & Biomedicine.
  • Ponente: Miguel Angel del Pozo. CNIC, Madrid