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18th Math Colloquium BCAM - UPV/EHU

Prof. Carlos d'Andrea (Universitat de Barcelona)
Computing residues in toric varieties 

Residues in complex manifolds are one of those kind of objects that can be approached analytically, geometrically and algebraically. Their use in computational algebra and algebraic geometry is ubiquitous, they appear naturally in interpolation, duality, and several types of representation
problems. In this talk, we will review their definition and properties focusing in their computational aspects. We will report on recent advances and challenges of the computation of residues in toric varieties.
Carlos D'Andrea {PhD 2001, University of Buenos Aires) is a Full Professor at the University of Barcelona. Before that, he held postdoctoral positions at INRIA Sophia Antipolis (France), and the University of California at Berkeley (USA). In 2005 he joined the University of Barcelona with a Ramon y Cajal
contract, becoming tenured in 2009.

Prof. Elena Fernández (Universidad de Cádiz)
Location Science: when “where” and “what for” determine the methodology

Location Science is a wide field whose mathematical origins are strongly linked to geometry. Its relation to the field of Economics motivated a crucial impulse in thebeginning of the twentieth century. The advances in the 1960s set the foundations of Location Science as a new scientific area, where mathematics interacts with data science and computer science with multiple applications in very diverse fields. Typically, there is an optimization problem underlying every location problem, whose nature determines the methodology that can be applied to solve it. In the first part of this talk we will
give an overview of the area. Then, we will focus on hub location, one of the most relevant topics, with interactions with network design.
Elena Fernandez is a professor in Operations Research. She has spent much of her academic career at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya in Barcelona; since 2019 she is affiliated to the University of Cadiz. Elena has actively served in scientific organizations and was President of the European
Association of Operational Research Societies-EURO in 2015-2016. Her research activity has been acknowledged with the Lifetime Achievement in Location Analysis Award of the Location Analysis Section of INFORMS in 2021.