Polimer science 2003

Publicaciones del grupo de ciencia de los polímeros

  1. C. ETXABARREN,  M. IRIARTE,  A. ETXEBERRIA, C. URIARTE and J.J. IRUIN. "Determination of diffusion coeficients of organic solvents in polyepichlorihydrin: A comparative study of inverse gas chromatography and sorption methods". JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 89, 2216-2223 (2003).

  2. V. VILLAR, L. IRUSTA, M. J. FERNANDEZ-BERRIDI, J.J. IRUIN, M. IRIARTE, L. GARGALLO and D. RADIC. "Thermodynamics of Hydrogen Bonding in Polycomplexes of Poly(4-vinylpyridine) with Maleic acid-alt-Ethylene Copolymer". THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 402, 209-218 (2003).

  3. A. GONZÁLEZ, M. IRIARTE, P.J. IRIONDO and J.J. IRUIN. "Blends of bacterial poly (3-hydroxybutyrate) and a poly (epichlorohydrin-co-ethylene oxide) copolymer: thermal and CO2 transport properties". POLYMER 44, 7701-7708 (2003).