2024 Polymerization Processes Publications
H. ABDELDAIM, J.M. ASUA, “Internally reinforced soft core-hard shell waterborne dispersions for high performance crack and solvent free coatings”, PROG. ORG. COAT., 186, 108057-108062 (2024).
S. TARIQ, N. VELING, M. PAULIS, "Combined effect of acetoacetoxy - amine interparticle crosslinking and different TG polymer phases to obtain high performance waterborne wood coatings", PROG. ORG. COAT. 187, 108134-108143 (2024).
R. NICASY, A. BARQUERO, H. HUININK, S. ERICH, O. ADAN, N. TOMOZEIU, H. MANSOURI, J. SCHEERDER, "Magnetite-latex nanoparticle motion during capillary uptake in thin, porous layers studied with UFI-NMR", COLLOID SURFACE A, 683, 133011-13325 (2024).
R. NICASY, A. BARQUERO, H. HUININK, S. ERICH, O. ADAN, N. TOMOZEIU, H. MANSOURI, J. SCHEERDER, "Increasing particle concentration enhances particle penetration depth but slows down liquid imbibition in thin fibrous filters" COLLOID SURFACE A 684, 133146-133156 (2024).
A. GALLASTEGUI, R. DEL OLMO, M. CRIADO-GONZALEZ, J.R. LEIZA, M. FORSYTH, D. MECERREYES, "Printable Single-Ion Polymer Nanoparticle Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries", SMALL SCIENCE , 2300235-2300243 (2024).
J. ELGOYHEN, C. LE, A. RICKE, R. LISKA, S. BAUDIS, A. CHEMTOB, R. TOMOVSKA, "Implementing miniemulsion photopolymerization for synthesis of waterborne biobased poly(thioethers) coatings", PROG. ORG. COAT. 187, 108156-108166 (2024).
N. BALLARD, "Designing acrylic latexes for pressure-sensitive adhesives: a review", POLYM. INT. 73, 2, 75-87 (2024).
S. MURALI, A. AGIRRE, J. ARRIZABALAGA, I. RAFANIELLO, T. SCHÄFER, R. TOMOVSKA, "Zwitterionic stabilized water-borne polymer colloids for
antifouling coatings", REACTIVE AND FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS, 196, 105843-105853 (2024).
U.O. ASPIAZU, J.R. LEIZA, M. PAULIS, "Photon Density Wave Spectroscopy to Monitor the Particle Size in Seeded Semibatch Emulsion Polymerization Reactions", CHEM. ENG. J., 483, 149292-149301 (2024).
L. BALLESTER-BAYARRI, A. PASCAL, J. AYESTARAN, A. GONZALEZ, N. BALLARD, R. AGUIRRESAROBE, "3D Printing of Vinylogous Urethane-Based Methacrylic Covalent Adaptable Networks by Vat Photopolymerization", ACS APPL POLYM MATER 6, 5, 2594-2603 (2024).
I. BARBARIN, M. FIDANCHEVSKA, N. POLITAKOS, L. SERRANO-CANTADOR, J.A. CECILIA, D. MARTIN, O. SANZ, R. TOMOVSKA, "Resembling Graphene/Polymer Aerogel Morphology for Advancing the CO2/N2 Selectivity of the Postcombustion CO2 Capture Process", IND. ENG. CHEM. RES., 63, 7073−7087 (2024).
A. TRAJCHEVA, J. ELGOYHEN, M. EHSANI, Y. JOSEPH, J.B. GILEV, R. TOMOVSKA, "Advanced Nanostructured All-Waterborne Thiol-Ene/Reduced Graphene Oxide Humidity Sensors with Outstanding Selectivity", ADV. MATER. TECHNOL., 2400114-2400125 (2024).
N. BALLARD, K. FARAJZADEHAHARY, S. HAMZEHLOU, U. MORI, J.M. ASUA, “Reinforcement learning for the optimization and online control of emulsion polymerization reactors: Particle morphology”, COMPUTERS AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 187, 108739-108751 (2024).
A. CLARA ROLANDI, A. BARQUERO, C. POZO-GONZALO, I. DE MEATZA, N. CASADO, M. FORSYTH, J.R. LEIZA, D. MECERREYES, "Biobased Acrylic Latexes/Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose Aqueous Binders for Lithium-ion NMC811 Cathodes", ACS. Appl. Polymer. Mater, 6, 2, 1236-1244 (2024).
M. NADERI, T. MELCHIN, H.P. WEITZEL, J.R. LEIZA, J.M. ASUA, “pH-Responsive Carboxylated Latexes: Switching between Stabilization and Destabilization”, MACROMOLECULES, 57, 7052−7064 (2024).
G. GARDONI, A. ZANONI, E. GONZALEZ DE SAN ROMAN, D. MOSCATELLI, E. GABIRONDO, J.R. LEIZA, A. BARQUERO, H. SARDON, "Enhancing the incorporation of 2-methylen-1,3-dioxepane (MDO) into industrial monomers by the addition of crotonate comonomers", POLYMER, 307, 127298-127304 (2024).
F. WENZEL, M. AGUIRRE, J.R. LEIZA, "Emulsion copolymerization of 2-methylene-1,3-dioxepane (MDO) and acrylate monomers: Incorporation vs hydrolysis", POLYMER, 307, 127285-127292 (2024).
U. O. ASPIAZU, S. GOMEZ, M. PAULIS, J.R. LEIZA, “Real-Time Monitoring of Particle Size in Emulsion Polymerization: Simultaneous Turbidity and Photon Density Wave Spectroscopy”, MACROMOL. RAPIK. COMMUN, 2400374-2400379 (2024).
N. BALLARD, N. JIMENEZ, J.M. ASUA, “Physical Crosslinking of Aqueous Polymer Dispersions: A Perspective”, PART. & PART SYST. CHARACT., 2400103-2400117 (2024).
W. TANGSONGCHAROEN, M. PAULIS, “Effect of plasticizer release on the final properties of blend, hybrid and block copolymer latex films containing hard and soft phases”, PROGRESS IN ORG. COAT. 196,108730-108741 (2024).
J. GUPTA, R. TOMOVSKA, M. AGUIRRE, "Overcoming Challenges of Incorporation of Biobased Dibutyl Itaconate in (Meth)acrylic Waterborne Polymers", Biomacromolecules virtual special issue “Fundamentals of Polymer Colloids”. BIOMACROMOLECULES, 25(8), 5310−5320 (2024).
S. MURALI, A. AGIRRE, R. TOMOVSKA, "Anti-polyelectrolyte effect of zwitterions containing (meth) acrylic waterborne polymer chains as tool for colloidal stabilization and polymer reinforcement". NATURE Scientific Reports, 14:30030 (2024).