Erasmus+ international exchange programme with non-associated countries
Erasmus+ KA171 offers opportunities for students to carry on their academic training and for University personnel to perform teaching duties or train in higher education institutions outside of Europe and vice versa.
The Autonomous Organisation for Spanish Service for Internationalisation of Education (Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación - SEPIE) is the Spanish National Agency that implements and manages the Erasmus+ KA171 programme, among others. Starting in 2015, the UPV offers inbound and outbound exchange opportunities thanks to the financing received from the SEPIE in its annual KA171 projects for:
Students: Exchange opportunities with economic support and academic recognition for Bachelor’s/Master’s/Ph.D. Length of exchange stays from 2-5 months.
Personnel: Teaching and/or training stays with economic support for a period of 5 days.
The calls for applications to participate in these exchange programmes are published on a regular basis, and access is granted based on competition.
The complete list of countries and institutions that take part in each project, the length of stay and the amount of grants are indicated in the sections describing each of the projects in progress, which may vary according to SEPIE's financing and guidelines.