Isabel German

PhD Students

PRAXIS Research Group

Isabel Germán

BA Law (University of the Basque Country), MA in Criminology (University of the Basque Country), PhD Law (University of the Basque Country).

MA in Philosophy, Science and Values (University of the Basque Country).

As researcher at the Basque Institute of Criminology (University of the Basque Country), my research field is criminal Justice and criminal Law, and more particularly, problems of imputability, innovative justice models, as well as phenomenology of crime and the response to insecurity and fear of crime.  

I am currently undertaking my PhD Studies within the Philosophy, Science and Values PhD Program (University of the Basque Country), in cotutelle with L’Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour (at the Centre de Documentation et de Recherches Européennes). My PhD research refers to restorative justice, epistemic injustice, in its two forms, testimonial and hermeneutic injustice, and reflexivity.

Recent publications

Germán, I. (2022). Las fuentes de conocimiento sobre delincuencia. Los datos de criminalidad, la cifra oculta y la inseguridad percibida. Cizur Menor: Aranzadi.

De la Cuesta, J. L. & Germán, I. (2022). La Justicia restaurativa en España. Madrid: Iustel.

Germán, I. (2022). "El concepto de víctima y su evolución normativa: una aproximación crítica desde la Victimología". In: L. Pego (dir.) Víctimas y derechos: tratamiento normativo programas de Justicia Restaurativa y de Justicia Transicional. Cizur Menor: Aranzadi. 13-30.


