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How to stop premature ejaculation?

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How to stop premature ejaculation?

Buy dapoxetine online for stopping Premature ejaculation. It can be a frustrating experience, but there are several strategies that can help manage and even stop it. One approach is to practice the start-stop technique, where you or your partner stimulates your penis until you feel like you're about to ejaculate, then stops until the sensation passes. This can help you gain better control over your arousal levels. Another effective method is the squeeze technique, where you or your partner squeezes the tip of the penis for about 30 seconds when you're about to climax, which can help delay ejaculation.

Additionally, focusing on your breathing and engaging in deep, slow breaths can help you relax and delay ejaculation. It's also important to communicate openly with your partner about your concerns and to explore different sexual positions and techniques that may help delay ejaculation. Seeking support from a healthcare professional or a sex therapist can also be beneficial in managing premature ejaculation. Super Vidalista is a medicine availabe at dosepharmacy to cure both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.