Contenido de XSL

Lengua B III: Inglés25436

Facultad de Letras
Grado en Traducción e Interpretación
Curso académico
Nº Créditos
Para matricular la asignatura Lengua B III inglés es necesario superar la asignatura Lengua B II inglés

DocenciaAlternar navegación

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Tipo de docenciaHoras de docencia presencialHoras de actividad no presencial del alumno/a
P. Ordenador6090

Guía docenteAlternar navegación

Descripción y Contextualización de la AsignaturaAlternar navegación

This subject aims to help students reach a C2 level of English, with a special emphasis on the four communicative skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening, and on grammar and vocabulary.

Competencias/ Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignaturaAlternar navegación

All class activities and home assignments are geared to the acquisition of the following competencies at a C2 level in English:

1. General and basic competences

G002 – to use accurately at least two foreign languages.

G009 – to be able to solve communication problems.

CB4 – to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a (non)specialised audience.

2. Cross curricular competences

G007 – to work individually and in groups.

G008 – to learn autonomously, analyse, synthesise and put into practice the knowledge acquire.

G010 – to relate and apply in other subjects and areas the knowledge specific to the degree.

M01CM02 – to be able to produce fluently any type of oral and written text in a second language.

M01CM03 – to be able to understand the main ideas of complex texts in a second language.

M02CM05 – to be able to review with accuracy, to control work guidelines, to self-assessment and to guarantee the final quality.

M02CM06 – to present and justify with clarity the goals and results of assignments.

3. Specific competences

M03CM01 – to understand written and audio texts at a C2 level in English.

M03CM03 – to produce written texts and spoken discourse at a C2 level in English.

M03CM05 – to master vocabulary and idiomatic expressions and their connotations in English.

M03CM06 – to analyse problematic structures in English from a contrastive point of view.

M03CM07 – to use English in social situations both in the academic environment and outside it.

M03CM08 – to master the principles of English grammar.

M04CM05 – to be able to document, acquire and process information.

M06CM10 – to know and use adequate strategies to search information.

M06CM11 – to use bibliographical information sources efficiently.

By the end of the course the students should be able to:

To understand any spoken language (live/broadcast), including lectures and presentations. G002, G009, G008, G010, M01CM03, M03CM01, M03CM05, M03CM06, M03CM07, M03CM08, M04CM05

To have a global and detailed understanding without any difficulties.

To read a wide range of long and complex texts – practically all forms of written language. G002, G007,G008, G010, M01CM03, M02CM05, M03CM01, M03CM05, M03CM06, M03CM07, M03CM08, M04CM05

To understand subtleties of style and meaning, which are both implicitly and explicitly stated.

To understand practically all forms of written language.

To have control of many different grammatical forms and vocabulary that are used with flexibility. G002, G009, CB4, G007, G010, M01CM02, M03CM03, M03CM05, M03CM07, M03CM08

To overcome communication problems

To make use of a wide range of cohesive devices, and with little hesitation.

To use phonological features effectively.

To interact skilfully interweaving their contributions into the conversation.

To write a variety of different texts and convey finer shades of meaning precisely.

G002, G009, CB4, G007, G008, G010, M01CM02, M02CM05, M02CM06, M03CM03, M03CM05, M03CM06, M03CM07, M03CM08

To create coherent and cohesive text making a full and appropriate use of a variety of organisational patterns and wide range of cohesive devices free of spelling errors.

To search, process and use information to create content.

G002, G009, CB4, G007, G008, G010, M01CM03, M02CM05, M02CM06, M04CM05, M06CM10, M06CM11

To organise the work to achieve deadlines and to work as a team.

Contenidos teórico-prácticosAlternar navegación

The course will consist of different skill-oriented activities that will aim at fostering their grammar and vocabulary skills, as well as their capacity to synthesise information. Additional activities will be carried out and assessed in the classroom, and the students will also be asked to carry out other activities out of the classroom.

The course offers the possibility for students to propose what aspects of the structure and vocabulary of English they would like to work on, as well as texts/reports/news that they would like to discuss and work on for content. In this sense this is an open course.

MetodologíaAlternar navegación

The teacher will follow different course books, as well as other materials (e.g., reports, news, audios, etc.). The classes will focus on reinforcing speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, as well as vocabulary and grammar practice. Different active methodologies will be implemented so as to accomplish the various assignments to work on throughout the semester.

The course is interactive and student-centered. Its focus is on communicative skills, and most activities will be based on collaborative learning and interaction, while they receive immediate feedback from the instructor and their classmates. Students are expected to engage actively with the English language on their own and to do out-of-class work in order to consolidate learning done in class.

Sistemas de evaluaciónAlternar navegación

  • Sistema de Evaluación Continua
  • Sistema de Evaluación Final
  • Herramientas y porcentajes de calificación:
    • Prueba escrita a desarrollar (%): 50
    • Trabajos individuales (%): 20
    • Trabajos en equipo (resolución de problemas, diseño de proyectos) (%): 30

Convocatoria Ordinaria: Orientaciones y RenunciaAlternar navegación



Language B III: English will be assessed following the continuous assessment procedure, which will consist of different assignments, projects and tests that students will have to carry out in and out of class, and which are detailed below:

A. Project 1: TV show analysis (20% of the total grade – in groups)

B. Project 2: Podcast (10% of the total grade – in groups or individually)

C. Project 3: Writing (20% of the total grade – in groups or individually)

D. Listening test (10% of the total grade)

E. Grammar and vocabulary test (40% of the total grade)

The final grade of the students in the continuous assessment will be an aggregate score of all those sections, BUT ONLY IF they pass the grammar and vocabulary test (part E).

Students will automatically fail the subject if they fail this test, and/or if the aggregate score of their final grade is less than 5 points out of 10.

The passing grade of the assignments, projects, tests, etc. is 50% (e.g., 5 points out of 10).

Any failed or not handed in assignment, project, test, etc. will add 0 points to the final total grade/score.


All students have the right to be evaluated according to the final evaluation procedure independently of whether or not they have participated in the continuous assessment. In order to do so, they must write the instructor responsible for the course expressing their desire to withdraw from the mixed assessment within the first nine weeks of the course. If the student does not hand in the form corresponding to the withdrawal of the continuous assessment to the tutor, it will be assumed that the student wishes to be assessed according to the continuous assessment.


Students in the continuous assessment must indicate at least one month before the date of the official exam, which will be revealed to students in class, whether they wish to withdraw from the exam, and therefore, the subject. They must notify the teacher via email. Only if students notify the teacher about withdrawing from the exam will they get a "no presentado" in the first call.


This option is only possible for students who have handed in within the first 9 weeks of the course the withdrawal from the continuous assessment.

The final assessment exam will consist of:

A. Final exam (60%): grammar, vocabulary and one part based on the TV show analysis mentioned earlier

B. Listening test (10%)

C. Project 2: Podcast (10%)

D. Project 3: Writing (20%)

Students in the final assessment must pass the final exam (60%) in order to have the rest of the parts (i.e., b, c and d) corrected and added to their final grade.

As in the case of the students in the continuous assessment, in order to pass any assignment, test, task they must achieve at least 50% of the grade (e.g., 5 points out of 10). Failed parts sum 0 points to the final grade.

If students in the final assessment wish to withdraw from the corresponding call, not sitting the exam on the official date(s) qualifies as an automatic "no presentado".


It is compulsory to show the ID the day of the official exam. If the student fails to do so, he/she will not be allowed to carry out the exam.

Information on the use of resources and materials in exams and assignments:

Exam: The use of mobile or electronic devices, notes, books is not allowed.

Home-assignments: the work submitted by the students must be their own work and must have been written completely by themselves. The students must identify and include the source of all facts, ideas, opinions and viewpoints of others through in-text referencing and the relevant sources should all be included in the list of references at the end of their work. Direct quotations from books, journal articles, internet sources or any other source must be acknowledged and the sources cited must be identified in the list of references. The use of any Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools is completely forbidden in the course. Students will get 0 points in any assignment handed in under these circumstances.

Convocatoria Extraordinaria: Orientaciones y RenunciaAlternar navegación

In the second call the students will have to carry out an exam similar to the one that students in the final assessment carry out in the first call and described above. The conditions to pass the exam (and the course) are the same as the ones described above in the final assessment.

The students in the final and continuous assessment who failed the first call must retake the grammar and vocabulary final exam, regardless of whether they passed this part in the first call or not, plus the parts they failed in the first call. Only the passing grades of the assignments, tests, etc. will be carried over to the second call. The students in the continuous assessment who did not withdraw from the continuous assessment and did not do the project will have to redo the exam in the same conditions as students in the final assessment.

If students wish to withdraw from the corresponding call, not sitting the exam on the official date(s) qualifies as an automatic “no presentado”.

Materiales de uso obligatorioAlternar navegación

Materials in e-Gela.

BibliografíaAlternar navegación

Bibliografía básica

Bywater, F.V. (1982). A Proficiency Course in English (with key). Nelson.

Capel, A. & W. Sharp (2013). Objective Proficiency: Student's Book without Answers with Downloadable Software. Cambridge University Press.

Day, J., Skerrit, G., & K. Donaghy (n.d.) Macmillan English Hub C1. Macmillan.

Foley, M. & D. Hall (2003). Longman Advanced Learners Grammar. Longman.

Hewings, M. (2007). Advanced Grammar in Use. Oxford University Press.

Roach, P. (2000). English Phonetics and Phonology (with audio CD). Cambridge University Press.

Side, R. & G. Wellman (2002). Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency (with key). Longman

Swan, M. (2005). Practical English Usage. Oxford University Press.

Vince, M. (2009). New Advanced Language Practice (with key and CD-Rom). Macmillan.

Watcyn-Jones, P. (1990). Test your English Idioms. Penguin English Guides.

Wells, J.C. (2008). Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. Pearson Education Limited.

Direcciones web

BBC- Learning materials:
BBC – Pronunciation Tips:
BBC - Learning English News Review:
British Council-Learning materials:
Critical Thinking:
English Language:
London Review of Books:
Oxford English Dictionary Online:
Purdue Online Writing Lab:
The Conversation:
The Economist:
The Guardian:
The Independent:
The Times Literary Supplement:
Urban Dictionary:
Using English:

GruposAlternar navegación

61 P. Ordenador-1 (Inglés - Mañana)Mostrar/ocultar subpáginas


11:00-13:00 (1)

11:00-13:00 (2)


Aula(s) impartición


62 P. Ordenador-1 (Inglés - Mañana)Mostrar/ocultar subpáginas


11:00-13:00 (1)

11:00-13:00 (2)


Aula(s) impartición