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Historia del Arte del Siglo XIX-XX en España25747

Facultad de Letras
Grado en Historia del Arte
Curso académico
Nº Créditos

DocenciaAlternar navegación

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P. de Aula2030

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Descripción y Contextualización de la AsignaturaAlternar navegación

This 6-credit course is mandatory and is taught in the first semester of the 4th year of the Bachelor's Degree in Art History. It is part of the module "History of Contemporary Art".

The course addresses, within the established chronological and geographical framework, the study of the artistic and creative panorama, painting, sculpture, architecture, urbanism and other graphic arts. The particularities of the Spanish panorama, cultural, ideological and social context and its impact on the art world will be addressed.

Urbanism gained special importance in Europe and Spain throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the course is interested in the fundamental lines and the main contributions of the newborn science of urbanism and its direct influence on the development of Spanish urban centers. The student will learn about the work of Ildefonso Cerdá, considered the father of the discipline, and the phenomenon of urban expansion.

The course contributes effectively to the achievement of the level of competencies defined for the future graduate in what refers spatially to the construction of critical discourse, knowledge of the contemporary creative panorama... directly related to the graduate profile of the students of the Degree in History of Art.

Competencias/ Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignaturaAlternar navegación


M05CM01: Be able to analyze and interpret artistic processes over the centuries, assessing the succession of styles, the role of artists and the theory of the arts.

M05CM02: To be able to classify and comment comprehensively on works of architecture, painting and other contemporary art, taking into account the specific material nature of the work of art and the characteristic languages of each artistic discipline.

M05CM03: To be able to analyze and interpret the work of art as a document of the socio-cultural history of the contemporary period together with other textual and material testimonies that are specific to it, understanding the global character of contemporary artistic manifestations.

M05CM04: To be able to perform critical analysis of texts, documents and materials and new supports specific to the contemporary period that contribute to the understanding of the work of art.


CA1.Identify and analyze the artistic styles and manifestations in the field of visual arts and architecture developed throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Spain, having as a fundamental starting point the specific bibliography and progressively incorporating documentary and newspaper library sources accessible in local documentary centers,contemplated from an analytical and critical point of view (G001, G005) (CM01, CM04).

CA2.Characterize and explain the features of the plastic languages, style and iconography, and the fundamental works of Spanish art emerged throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, handling correctly the specific vocabulary of contemporary art in the fields of painting, sculpture, architecture and urbanism (G001, G002, G003) (CM01, CM02).

CA3.Critically assess the relationship between artistic proposals and their socio-cultural context, highlighting and critically analyzing the influence of the non-artistic context (socio-economic, political and cultural) in the practice of visual arts, as well as its repercussions in the field of architecture and the particular conditions that led to the birth of the modern science of urbanism.

the birth of the modern science of urbanism (G004, G007) (CM03).

CA4. Handle the fundamental lines of artistic theory, architecture and urbanism of Spanish thought of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, integrating it into its context and recognizing its value and fundamental contribution when analyzing the works of art of the period (G001, G004) (CM01,CM03).

CA5. Achieve a level of written expression appropriate to the level of university graduate and expression

Contenidos teórico-prácticosAlternar navegación


0.- Introduction. The 19th and 20th centuries in Spain, socio-historical and cultural context.

0.1.-Francisco de Goya and his legacy.


1.1.-Architecture of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. General aspects, from the neoclassical language to iron architecture.

Neoclassical painting. Tradition and academicism.

Sculptural classicism and romanticism.

Romantic painting.

1.5 .-Historical Painting

1.6 .-Realism. Painting and sculpture

1.7 .-Architecture and industry. Architecture at the beginning of the century. Modernist architecture

1.8 .- Modernism in painting and sculpture. The painting of 98. Catalan modernism. Joaquín Sorolla. Modernity and sculptural avant-garde

1.9. Urbanism in the 19th century


2.1.-Tradition and renovation. General aspects

2.2 .-The architecture from the early twentieth century, the resistance of tradition and renovation.

2.3 .- The panorama of the Spanish avant-garde.

2.4 .-The development of modern architecture. Rationalist architecture. GATEPAC

2.5 .- Postwar art. The second Madrid school. The 50's and the relationship with the international avant-garde.

2.6.-The second artistic and plastic avant-garde of the 60s and 70s.

2.7.-The architecture of the second half of the century.


Evaluable classroom practicals, individual and in cooperative groups:

- Critical analysis of works of art and associated fundamental documents.

- Critical analysis of original texts (documentary sources).

Evaluable face-to-face practices outside the classroom, individually and in cooperative groups:

- Practical activities in the Library of the Alava Campus. Bibliographic and textual analysis.

- Study trip to Madrid (Museo Nacional del Prado, Centro Nacional de Arte Reina Sofía, Museo Cerralbo, Museo del Romaticismo) In situ study of works of architecture, painting and sculpture of the 19th and 20th centuries in Spain.

- Realization of evaluable activities in relation to scientific conferences developed in relation to the subject by the Department of History of Art and Music.

MetodologíaAlternar navegación

Teaching-learning activities:

1. Theoretical/lecture sessions:

The professor will present the fundamental theoretical contents of the subject as well as the methodological guidelines necessary for the development of the team work, the classroom and non

The professor will present the fundamental theoretical contents of the subject as well as the methodological guidelines necessary for the development of teamwork, classroom and non classroom practices and the student's personal work.

2. Compulsory practical sessions according to current regulations:

-Practical classroom sessions:

The students with the help of the teacher will analyze and comment on works of art, documentary sources (

The students will analyze and comment works of art, documentary sources (diverse nature), bibliography or audio-visual material of interest for the subject, proposed by the teacher. It will be carried out in group or individually and will give rise to the construction of an individual or cooperative commentary exposed orally. On specific occasions, at the teacher's request, the result may be requested in writing to be corrected and evaluated through different systems (hetero-evaluation or co-evaluation).

-Practical sessions outside the classroom: Visits to centers and artistic and documentary collections of interest for the development of the subject, since an invitation from the institution is required, it is not possible to establish dates and places in advance, however, they will be adapted to the development and content of the subject. These activities will generate tasks (non-face-to-face activities) in different modalities (exhibition form, visit report, small critical essay) that will be evaluable through different systems.

Tutorials, of follow-up of the teaching-learning process, at the student's request and established by the teacher.

Personalized attention of the teacher to the student, with the purpose of orienting and facilitating the formative processes.

We establish two main general purposes:

-to promote learning through a series of personalized actions.

-To promote the integral development of the student.

Non-presential activities:

Personal work of the student with recourse to the help of the teacher if necessary (face-to-face tutoring).

-Preparation by the student of the proposed tasks.

-Preparation by the student of the objective written test.

Sistemas de evaluaciónAlternar navegación

  • Sistema de Evaluación Final
  • Herramientas y porcentajes de calificación:
    • Prueba escrita a desarrollar (%): 50
    • Trabajos individuales (%): 40
    • Otras: Actividades cooperativas realizadas en clase (%): 10

Convocatoria Ordinaria: Orientaciones y RenunciaAlternar navegación

Evaluation designed according to the achievement of the subject competencies:

Specific competencies and evaluation modality: G002,G004,CM01,CM02,CM03,A01,CA02,CA03. 70% of the final grade

Evaluation system: by means of objective test. Evaluation criteria:

- Correct identification of the most outstanding works of art and artists of the established period.

Identification of the Spanish plastic artists and architects working in Spain within the chronological framework established for the subject.

- Correct assignment of a specific chronology to the most outstanding works of art and artists of the period studied.

- Appropriate statement of the characteristics of the plastic and stylistic languages of the art of the period.


- Correct application of the stylistic and formal characteristics of the period studied to the works of art proposed for analysis.

- Adequate incorporation of bibliographical references and documentary sources worked throughout the course.

- Correctness in the analysis of the relationships of the arts of the nineteenth and twentieth century in Spain with other geographical areas, from the point of view of the quality of the judgments made, proposed examples and adequate bibliography correct written expression from the formal point of view as well as in the use of specific terminology worked throughout the course appropriate construction of written discourse: coherence and adequacy of internal development to content, clarity and order in expression, orderly development of ideas.

2. Specific competence no. G002,G005,G007,CM01,CM02,CM03,CA01,CA02,CA03 30% of the final grade.

Evaluation instrument: individual and cooperative group work. Participation in the proposed activities Evaluation criteria:

- Ability to organize and systematize the work making an adequate use of the terminology of the subject.

- Correct written expression from the formal point of view as well as in the use of the specific terminology worked throughout the course.

- Correct application of the knowledge of the subject

- Define appropriately the political/religious/sociocultural framework of the period and its relationship with the work of art and the artist chosen for the work.

- Proper incorporation of the bibliographical references used in the paper

- Oral expression and correct use of specific terminology.


-Class attendance is considered fundamental for effective achievement.

-Tutorials, individual or group, are considered a fundamental part of the teaching-learning process.

-The student must complete all the practical activities proposed by the professor.

-The evaluable practical activities will be collected exclusively on the scheduled day. If they are not handed in, they will be considered as not evaluable.

-Passing the course expressly supposes having passed all the evaluation items.

Following the regulations of the Faculty of Arts regarding the issue of waiver of evaluation:

The evaluation of the subject at the end of the four-month period will be obtained, in the specified percentages, from the results of the evaluable practical activities and the written test. Taking into account:

-The student who has followed the guidelines of the continuous evaluation with respect to the practical activities proposed by the teacher, it is understood that he/she is submitted to the evaluation of the subject.


Evaluation Regulations. Article 12.- Resignation to the call

1 .- The resignation to the call will mean the qualification of not presented or not presented.

2 .- In the case of continuous assessment, if the weight of the test is greater than 40% of the grade of the subject, it will be enough not to present the final test for the final grade is not presented or not presented. Otherwise, if the weight of the final exam is equal to or less than 40% of the grade of the subject, the student may waive the call within a period that, at least, will be up to one month before the end of the teaching period of the corresponding subject. This waiver must be submitted in writing to the professor responsible for the subject.

Convocatoria Extraordinaria: Orientaciones y RenunciaAlternar navegación

The evaluation of the subjects in the extraordinary calls will be carried out exclusively through the final evaluation system in which the students will be able to obtain 100% of the grade. The final evaluation test of the extraordinary call will consist of a written test.

The extraordinary calls after the academic year in which the course was originally taken:

- The evaluation will consist of a test whose nature will be defined by the teacher at the beginning of each academic year, taking as a criterion the level of achievement in each competency not passed in the previous call/s.

- The student will be offered the possibility to develop the monitoring of the course through academic tutorials in case of justified absence.


Evaluation Regulations. Article 12.- Waiver to the call

1 .- The waiver of the call will result in the qualification of not presented or not presented.

2 .- In the case of continuous assessment, if the weight of the test is greater than 40% of the grade of the subject, it will be enough not to present the final test for the final grade is not presented or not presented. Otherwise, if the weight of the final exam is equal to or less than 40% of the grade of the subject, the student may waive the call within a period that, at least, will be up to one month before the end of the teaching period of the corresponding subject. This waiver must be submitted in writing to the professor responsible for the subject.

Materiales de uso obligatorioAlternar navegación

AAVV Manual de Arte Español, Ed.Silex, Madrid, 2003
GARCÍA MELERO,José Enrique, Arte español de la Ilustración y el siglo XIX, Ed. Encuentro, Madrid, 1998
PRECKLER, Ana María, Historia del Arte Universal de los siglos XIX y XX, vol. 2,Ed.Complutense, Madrid, 2003
RODRIGUEZ MARTÍN, José Manuel, Historia del Arte Contemporáneo en España e Iberoamérica, Ed. Edinumen, Madrid, 1998
ARIAS ANGLÉS, Enrique, Historia del Arte español del Neoclasicismo al impresionismo,Ed.Akal, Madrid,1999
Diccionarios de términos artísticos
Diccionarios de conceptos de arte

BibliografíaAlternar navegación

Bibliografía básica

GÓMEZ MORENO, Maria Elena. Pintura y Escultura Española del siglo XIX. Summa Artis, vol. XXXV, Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 1993.

HERNANDO, Javier. Arquitectura en España (1770-1900). Madrid, Cátedra, 1989.

NAVASCUÉS PALACIO, Pedro. Arquitectura Española (1808-1914). Summa Artis, vol. XXXV **, Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 1993.

NAVASCUÉS, Pedro y QUESADA, Maria Jesús. El siglo XIX. Bajo el signo del Romanticismo. Madrid, Silex, 1992.

REYERO, Carlos y FREIXA, Mireia. Pintura y Escultura en España (1800-1910). Madrid, Cátedra, 1995.

PÉREZ ROJAS, Javier y CALVO CASTELLÓN, Manuel. El siglo XX. Persistencias y rupturas. Madrid, Silex, 1994.

URRUTIA, Ángel. Arquitectura española, siglo XX. Madrid, Cátedra, 1997.

Bibliografía de profundización

BALDELLOU, Miguel Ángel y CAPITEL, Antón. Arquitectura española del siglo XX. Summa Artis, vol. XL, Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 2001.
BOZAL, Valeriano. Pintura y escultura españolas del siglo XX (1900-1939). Summa Artis, vol. XXXVI. Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 2000.
FLORES, Carlos. Arquitectura española contemporánea. Madrid, Aguilar, 1989.
GÓMEZ MORENO, Maria Elena. Pintura y escultura españolas del siglo XIX. Summa Artis, vol. XXXV, Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 1999.
SUREDA, Joan y JUNQUERA, Juan José. El Siglo de las Luces. Ilustrados, Neoclásicos y Académicos. Historia del Arte Español, vol. VIII, Barcelona, Planeta, 1995.
SUREDA, Joan y VALDIVIESO, Enrique. La Época de las Revoluciones. De Goya a la Modernidad. Historia del Arte Español, vol. IX, Barcelona, Planeta, 1995.
URRUTIA, Ángel. Gaudí y el Modernismo Catalán. Madrid, Historia 16, 1991.
VV.AA. Del Neoclasicismo al Impresionismo. Madrid, Akal, 1999.
VV.AA. Del Neoclasicismo al Modernismo. Historia del Arte Hispánico, vol. V, Madrid, Alhambra, 1978.


Archivo Español de Arte
Ars Bilduma
Boletín del Seminario de Estudios de Arte y Arqueología de Valladolid
Boletín del Museo Camón Aznar
Boletín del Museo del Prado
Cuadernos de Arte de la Universidad de Granada
Cuadernos de Arte e iconografía
Descubrir el arte
Espacio, Tiempo y forma. Serie VII. Historia del Arte
Reales Sitios

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GruposAlternar navegación

01 Teórico (Castellano - Mañana)Mostrar/ocultar subpáginas


11:00-13:00 (1)

11:00-11:30 (2)


Aula(s) impartición


01 P. de Aula-1 (Castellano - Mañana)Mostrar/ocultar subpáginas


11:30-13:00 (1)


Aula(s) impartición


31 Teórico (Euskera - Mañana)Mostrar/ocultar subpáginas


09:00-11:00 (1)

11:00-11:30 (2)


Aula(s) impartición


31 P. de Aula-1 (Euskera - Mañana)Mostrar/ocultar subpáginas


11:30-13:00 (1)


Aula(s) impartición