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Literatura de la Segunda Lengua I: Lengua Inglesa25599

Facultad de Letras
Grado en Estudios Vascos
Curso académico
Nº Créditos
Para poder matricularse de la asignatura "Literatura de la Segunda lengua I: Lengua Inglesa" hay que tener superada la asignatura "Lengua Inglesa II".

DocenciaAlternar navegación

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Tipo de docenciaHoras de docencia presencialHoras de actividad no presencial del alumno/a
P. de Aula2030

Guía docenteAlternar navegación

Descripción y Contextualización de la AsignaturaAlternar navegación

This course is offered in the first term of the fourth year of Basque Studies and Philologies. Its main goal is to explore the Arthurian legend, the group of medieval romances and further stories known as the matter of Britain, focusing on the legendary king Arthur from the Middle Ages to our present times. We will see some diverse approaches to the once medieval romances on the Arthurian Legend and see them from different perspectives by different authors, in different times and in different disciplines such as different literary genres, paintings, music, cinema…, with the emphasis in the female characters (Igraine, Guinevere; Morgana, Lyonet…)

As a typically British theme we will continue our study of English Literature with three emblematic Shakespearean plays that tell us about the author who would be able to portray his personages with deep psychological insight

Competencias/ Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignaturaAlternar navegación


This subject belongs to the Module “Segunda Lengua: Lengua Inglesa” (M08 in Basque Studies and M16 in Philologies). Specifically it contributes to the achievement of module competences:

- To understand the English language and to use it properly through the reading of different literary texts.

- To analyze literature written in English, exploring the interaction of the literary texts with the cultural and historical context in English-speaking countries.

- To understand, analyze and interpret critically literature in English, using adequate text analysis techniques and to transmit and discuss it in groups and individually.

Final achievement of the module competences above entails the fulfillment of the degree competences:

- To be able to produce and understand any type of oral and written text in English.

- To know the history, civilization and culture of the English-speaking countries.

- To understand, analyse and interpret English literature and to be able to evaluate critically texts and documents in English.

- To be able to relate the specific knowledge of the degree with other areas and disciplines and to transmit that knowledge in further studies in order to favour conciliatory and tolerant attitudes towards multilingual and multicultural diversity

- To be able to work autonomously and in teams, making use of the techniques and tools acquired.

- To be able to transmit the knowledge acquired in different academic contexts to be used in diverse professional contexts.


In this course, students will be able to:

- listen and read with an open but critical mind The Arthurian Cycle written in English and the plays by William Shakespeare;

- exercise critical judgment and undertake sophisticated synthesis, analysis and evaluation of varying kinds of evidence;

- read closely, analytically, and with understanding, texts from these historical periods and in different styles and genres;

- argue persuasively and with appropriate illustration and evidence, both orally and in writing;

- approach literary texts and critical issues with imagination, sensitivity and creativity;

- develop independence of mind, including an ability to challenge received opinion.

- find information, organise and deploy it;

- work well independently, with a strong sense of self-direction, but with the ability to work constructively in co-operation with others;

- plan and organise the use of time effectively, particularly in relation to the weekly timetable of tutorials and associated essays and projects;

- make appropriate use of language and IT skills.

Contenidos teórico-prácticosAlternar navegación

The Arthurian Legend:

- Backgound (Medieval Sources and Chronology)

- Major themes

- The Supernatural

- The Female Characters

William Shakespeare plays:

- Sources

- Major themes

- Depiction of characters

- Mise-en-scène

MetodologíaAlternar navegación

The course classes combine lectures and oral presentations with practical exercises with students in pairs or small groups discussing questions related to the lectures, the oral presentations and the texts of compulsory reading.

The intention is to lead students to find pleasure in discovering, understanding and connecting with different texts and enable discussion of issues and values the texts offer us.

Thus acquire and appreciate types of communication and learn how to operate them successfully.

We will read significant texts, see paintings and fragments of films, analyse their content, and discuss their possible meanings, both in the context of their historical time and our own time.

We will also identify and interpret significant thematic emphases of individual works and authors, distinguish the characteristics of each text, period, and writers, and look for both significant connections and important innovations within and between authors and their different environments.

Finally there is the creative aspect. It highlights the need of understanding through doing. Students will be asked to write a fictional text following some characteristics seen in class

Sistemas de evaluaciónAlternar navegación

  • Sistema de Evaluación Continua
  • Sistema de Evaluación Final
  • Herramientas y porcentajes de calificación:
    • Defensa oral (%): 20
    • Trabajos individuales (%): 10
    • Trabajos en equipo (resolución de problemas, diseño de proyectos) (%): 30
    • Exposición de trabajos, lecturas… (%): 40

Convocatoria Ordinaria: Orientaciones y RenunciaAlternar navegación

The type of assessment is Continuous. Students will be assessed according to their performance in the following tasks:

Oral participation in class (20%), Individual written work (10%), Group written work (30%), Group oral presentations in class, reading of compulsory texts (40%)

Withdrawal from Continuous Assessment: All students have the right to be evaluated according to the final evaluation procedure independently of whether or not they have participated in the continuous or mixed assessment module. In order to do so, they must write the instructor responsible for the course expressing their desire to withdraw from the continuous/mixed assessment. For quadrimestral courses, students can do so within the first 9 weeks of the course, according to the academic calendar of their centre.

Withdrawal from an exam call: Withdrawal from a call will be assessed as “no grade reported” [No Presentado/a].

1. In the case of continuous or mixed assessment, all students can withdraw from a call until at least one month before the date of the end of the teaching schedule of the corresponding course. This withdrawal must be submitted in writing to the instructor responsible for the course.

2. In the case of final assessment, not sitting the exam on the official date of the exam qualifies as an automatic withdrawal from the corresponding call.

Final Evaluation procedure/Final Assessment 100% based on the following marking criteria:

Written essay paper (25%), written exam (50%), oral presentation (25%)

Convocatoria Extraordinaria: Orientaciones y RenunciaAlternar navegación

Final Evaluation procedure/Final Assessment 100% based on the following marking criteria:

Written essay paper (25%), written exam (50%), oral presentation (25%)

Materiales de uso obligatorioAlternar navegación

The Arthurian Legend:
T. Malory. Le Morte D’Arthur (Winchester Ms) OUP
A selection of texts, paintings and films provided by the teacher and handed out in class or in eGela

William Shakespeare plays:
- Much Ado about Nothing
- Romeo and Juliet
- Hamlet Shakespeare _Much Ado About Nothing_, _Romeo and Juliet_ & _Hamlet_

BibliografíaAlternar navegación

Bibliografía básica

- Mary Hoffman. _Women of Camelot: Queens and Enchantresses at the Court of King Arthur_; illustrated by Christina Balit.

- Gwyn Thomas. _King Arthur_, illustrated by Margaret Jones

Bibliografía de profundización

The students, if required, will be given a personalised list of bibliographical references according to their needs and interests in their work for this subject



Direcciones web


GruposAlternar navegación

61 Teórico (Inglés - Mañana)Mostrar/ocultar subpáginas


13:00-15:00 (1)

09:00-09:30 (2)


Aula(s) impartición


61 P. de Aula-1 (Inglés - Mañana)Mostrar/ocultar subpáginas


09:30-11:00 (1)


Aula(s) impartición