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Fundamentos de la Didáctica de la Lengua para Eduación Infantil en Contextos Multilingües26468

Facultad de Educación de Bilbao
Grado en Educación Infantil (Trilingüe)
Curso académico
Nº Créditos

DocenciaAlternar navegación

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P. de Aula4466

Guía docenteAlternar navegación

Descripción y Contextualización de la AsignaturaAlternar navegación

The growing global migratory flows towards the Basque territory are reflected in an increasingly heterogeneous, diverse and multicultural educational system (Berasategi Sancho et al., 2017). The Basque community, schools and administration face the need to promote and implement inclusive schooling for foreign students, and thus promote equitable educational scenarios that offer the same opportunities to all students regardless of their place of origin.

The Basque educational system is characterized by implementing a multilingual education divided into linguistic models in which the weight of the correlation between the official languages of the territory (Basque and Spanish) would vary significantly. This sometimes produces an ethnic division in the schools, since the majority of native students share a classroom with other local students, while immigrant students tend to be concentrated in classrooms made up of students of diverse ethnic origin, who share three characteristics main ones: their immigrant origin, poor academic performance and lack of fluency in Basque (Altuna & Mariezkurrena, 2017). The perception of this phenomenon generally differs between the various groups involved in the Basque educational system, teachers, parents, professionals and students, so it is necessary to analyze the perception that each of these groups has regarding the processes of inclusion in terms of language, and considering the Basque educational system itself as a catalyst for that linguistic and educational inclusion to which we have been referring previously.

Therefore, in this subject, the theoretical and methodological bases for the teaching of languages in the bilingual systems of the Basque Country are worked on, always paying attention to the inclusion of students who have other languages and cultures, and those who might have special needs in their learning processes.

Competencias/ Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignaturaAlternar navegación

1. To know the linguistic, psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic foundations of language teaching, to analyze the different situations and phenomena of teaching the first and second language (C1, C3).

1.1. To know and explain the basic concepts to theoretically base the didactics of the language.

1.2. To select the most appropriate methodology for teaching language based on the needs of the classroom, within the framework of the school curriculum.

1.3. To search and select bibliographic information for the theoretical foundation.

2. To reflect on the influence of multilingual situations in the school context and in the classroom (C1, C2).

2.1. To analyze situations of language contact.

2.2. To know the challenges triggered in multilingual situations.

2.3. To propose basic activities for the inclusion in the classroom of students who speak languages other than the official ones within the Basque Country.

3. To achieve a well-founded knowledge based on reflection about bilingual and multilingual education programs, taking into account the linguistic and cultural diversity within our schools.

3.1. To select and integrate information in order to know the factors of the sociolinguistic reality that affect the training context.

3.2. To distinguish and assess bilingual education programs based on certain parameters.

4. To develop communicative competencies in the two official languages of the Basque Country.

4.1. To use language orally and writing, following the criteria of adequacy, cohesion and correctness.

4.2. To recognize the aspects that make up communicative competence in classroom practice.

5. To generate favorable attitudes towards languages and multilingual teaching, perceiving the benefits and difficulties in carrying out professional activity.

5.1. To express respect and recognition to all languages and their speakers.

Contenidos teórico-prácticosAlternar navegación

1. Theoretical Foundations of the Didactics of language.

2. Multilingualism and education.

3. Minority languages in educational contexts.

4. Linguistic and cultural diversity within the Basque schools.

5. Methodologies for linguistic inclusion of foreign and SEN students.

6. Language Didactics in Multilingual Contexts.

7. Multilingual Education Programs.

MetodologíaAlternar navegación

Master classes and classroom practices are combined. Both activities require the collaboration and active participation of the students, their reflection on the exposed contents and the assumption of their own responsibility in the learning process.

Master classes:

- Explanations, analysis and discussion of the contents

- Clarification of doubts

Classroom practices:

- Critical reading of texts

- Analysis of audiovisual material

- Performing tasks

- Analysis of teaching material in different media

- Oral presentation of works


- Exhibition, analysis and discussion of works by the students, under the direction of the teaching staff


- Clarification of doubts

- Work orientation

Non-face-to-face work:

- Study

- Individual or group work

- Critical reading of texts

- Search for bibliography and other types of material of interest

Sistemas de evaluaciónAlternar navegación

  • Sistema de Evaluación Continua
  • Sistema de Evaluación Final
  • Herramientas y porcentajes de calificación:
    • Prueba escrita a desarrollar (%): 40
    • Trabajos en equipo (resolución de problemas, diseño de proyectos) (%): 40
    • Exposición de trabajos, lecturas… (%): 20

Convocatoria Ordinaria: Orientaciones y RenunciaAlternar navegación


The final grade for the subject will depend on the result of the final exam and the overall assessment of the work done by the student during the development of the subject. To pass the subject, it will be an essential requirement to pass each of its parts (except for the TIM). Correct and appropriate use of the language will be required in all assessment tests.

As indicated above, as a complement to the subject, students will carry out an Interdisciplinary Module Work (TIM), and said work will be worth 1.6 points. The characteristics of the evaluation of said work will be specified in the Module Guide. It will not be mandatory to pass the TIM to pass the subject.

The notes of each section will be the following:

Written test or final exam: 46%

Individual and group work: 54%


Students will have the right to be evaluated through the final evaluation system, regardless of whether or not they have participated in the continuous evaluation system. To do this, students must submit in writing to the teaching staff responsible for the subject the waiver of continuous assessment, for which they will have a period of 9 weeks for semester subjects and 18 weeks for annual subjects, counting from the beginning of the semester or course respectively, according to the center's academic calendar.

The final grade for the subject will depend on the result of the final exam and the assessment of the TIM. The exam will be written, to develop, and will be designed for those cases. As indicated above, as a complement to the subject, students will carry out an Interdisciplinary Module Work (TIM), and said work will be worth 1.6 points. The characteristics of the evaluation of said work will be specified in the Module Guide. It will not be mandatory to pass the TIM to pass the subject. Correct and appropriate use of the language will be required in all assessment tests.

In the case of final evaluation, failure to appear for the test set on the official exam date will mean automatic renunciation of the corresponding call.

Ikaslearen euskara adierazpena (ahoz zein idatziz) ez bada Europako Hizkuntzen Erreferentzia Markoko B2 mailaren parekoa, irakasleak irakasgaia ez gainditzea erabaki ahal izango du.

Convocatoria Extraordinaria: Orientaciones y RenunciaAlternar navegación

The same criteria as in the ordinary call will be used.

Failure to appear for the test set on the official exam date will result in automatic waiver of the corresponding call.

Materiales de uso obligatorioAlternar navegación

- Readings and articles
- Different documents and materials used in school
- Platform “eGela”
- Computer

BibliografíaAlternar navegación

Bibliografía básica

Elizabeth Pérez-Izaguirre & Gorka Roman (2020) Alliances, oppositions and the nature of ephemeral identities in ethnically diversified Basque education (Alianzas, oposiciones y la naturaleza de las identidades efímeras en el sistema educativo vasco étnicamente diverso), Culture and Education, 32 (2), 272-298, DOI: 10.1080/11356405.2020.1741874

Roman, G., Pérez, E. and Langarika, A. (2020). Teaching minority languages in multi-ethnic and multilingual environments. Teachers’ perception on students’ attitude towards the teaching of Basque in compulsory education. Education Sciences, 10(2), 25. DOI: 10.3390/educsci10020025.

Roman, G., Alonso, I., Berasategi, N. (2018). El tiempo libre educativo como recurso para la inclusión de las personas migrantes y refugiados. Diagnóstico y aproximación a las buenas prácticas en la CAV. Zerbitzuan. Vol 66, 21-32. DOI: 10.5569/1134.-7147.66.04.

Roman, G.; Orcasitas, M.; Berasategi, N. y Eiguren, A. (2021). Innovación Educativa y Transformación Social. Barcelona: Editorial Grao. ISBN: 978-84-18058-80-6.

Roman, G.; Perez-Izaguirre, E.; Biota, I. y Picaza, M. (2021). Inclusión Socioeducativa. Propuestas y metodologías innovadoras en contextos educativos. Barcelona: Editorial Grao. ISBN: 978-84-18058-81-3.

Roman, G., Idoiaga, N. and Apaolaza, D. (2020). Metodologías y Herramientas Inclusivas en Contextos Educativos. Editorial Graó. ISBN: 978-84-18058-03-5.

Del Palacio, I., Alvarez-Rementería, M. y Roman, G. (2020). La inclusión social y educativa como reto vital del siglo XXI. Propuestas Educativas. Leioa: Universidad del País Vasco. ISBN: 978-84-09-24889-6.

Roman, G. (2021). Conflictos etnolingüísticos en contextos educativos plurilingües y buenas prácticas para la inclusión lingüística y cultural del alumnado no autóctono. En Alvarez-Rementería, M., Darretxe, L., Gezuraga, M. y Beloki, N. (Ed.), Escenarios y estrategias socioeducativas para la inclusión social. Barcelona: Graó. ISBN: 978-84-18058-87-5.

Roman, G., Berasategi, N. and Axpe, I. (2019). Inclusión de las personas inmigrantes y refugiadas a través del ocio y tiempo libre. En Alonso, I. y Artetxe, K. (Eds.), Educación en el tiempo libre: la inclusión en el centro (pp. 155-168). Octaedro. ISBN: 978-84-17667-30-7.

Roman, G., Idoiaga, N. y Berasategi, N. (2019). Political identity formation in post-conflict educational systems. The case of the Basque Country. En Forum XXI (Eds.), A stunning compilation of investigations papers, (pp. 1003-1006). Vivat Academia. ISBN: 978-84-09-17044-9.

Roman, G. and Pérez-Izaguirre, E. (2018). Identidades efímeras: análisis de estrategias de alianza etnolingüística en sistemas educativos multiculturales. En Naya, L., Chateaureynaud, M. y Dávila, P. (Eds.), Lenguas, Patrimonio e Identidades. Perspectiva Educativa, (pp. 315-322). Delta. ISBN: 978-84-17526-15-3.

GruposAlternar navegación

01-61 Teórico (Inglés - Mañana)Mostrar/ocultar subpáginas


09:00-11:00 (1)

11:30-13:30 (2)


09:00-11:00 (3)

11:30-13:30 (4)


09:00-11:00 (5)

11:30-13:30 (6)


09:00-11:00 (7)

11:30-13:30 (8)


Aula(s) impartición


01-61 P. de Aula-1 (Inglés - Mañana)Mostrar/ocultar subpáginas


09:00-11:00 (1)

11:30-13:30 (2)


09:00-11:00 (3)

11:30-13:30 (4)


09:00-11:00 (5)

11:30-13:30 (6)


Aula(s) impartición