de Blas, M.; Navazo, M.; Alonso, L.; Gangoiti, G.; García, J.A.; Sáez de Cámara, E.; Valdenebro, V.; García-Ruiz, E.; García-Borreguero, N.
Continuous measurement of atmospheric reduced sulphur compounds as key tracers between odour complaints and source apportionment
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,
189: 102
de Blas, M.; Uria-Tellaetxe, I.; Gómez, M.C.; Navazo, M.; Alonso, L.; García, J.A.; Durana, N.; Iza, J.; Ramón, J.D.
Atmospheric carbon tetrachloride in rural background and industry surrounded urban areas in Northern Iberian Peninsula: Mixing ratios, trends,and potential sources
Science of the Total Environment,
26 - 34
Elorduy, I.; Elcoroaristizabal, S.; Durana, N.; Garcia, J.A.; Alonso, L.
Diurnal variation of particle-bound PAHs in an urban area of Spain using TDGC/MS: Influence of meteorological parameters and emission sources
Atmospheric Environment,
87 - 98
Querol, X.; Gangoiti, G.; Mantilla, E.; Alastuey, A.; Minguillón, M.C.; Amato, F.; Reche, C.; Viana, M.; Moreno, T.; Karanasiou, A.; Rivas, I.; Pérez, N.; Ripoll, A.; Brines, M.; Ealo, M.; Pandolfi, M.; Lee, H.K.; Eun, H.R.; Park, Y.H.; Escudero, M.; Beddows, D.; Harrison, R.M.; Bertrand, A.; Marchand, N.; Lyasota, A.; Codina, B.; Olid, M.; Udina, M.; Jiménez-Esteve, B.; Soler, M. R.; Alonso, L.; Millán, M.; Ahn, K.H.
Phenomenology of high-ozone episodes in NE Spain
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,
2817 - 2838