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Datos generales

Investigador/a principal
Javier Muguerza Rivero
Número de doctores/as
Número de integrantes
Correo electrónico
Página web
(Abre una nueva ventana)


  • Javier Muguerza Rivero
  • Olatz Arbelaitz
  • Agustin Arruabarrena
  • Andoni Arruti
  • Ibai Gurrutxaga
  • José Luis Jodra
  • José Ignacio Martín
  • Jesus María Pérez
  • Iñigo Perona

Líneas de investigación

The group started its activity in the 90s centring the research in pattern recognition and optimization. Diverse supervised and unsupervised learning paradigms –artificial neural networks, neighbourhood based classifiers (kNN), multiple classifiers, clustering– were applied to diverse contexts: failure detection in electrical networks, OCR, optimization in merchandise distribution, fraud detection, customer fidelity, computer security among others.

In 2001 the group took its current name ALDAPA (ALgorithms, DAta mining and PArallelism) and its research focuses on the area of data mining (machine learning, deep learning, comprehensible classifiers, class imbalance, behaviour modelling, web mining) and on searching for efficient solutions for complex problems (high performance computing, GP-GPU). The group is also applying its experience in automatic modelling to the area of eAdministration (eServices, eGovernment) and to the area of Physiological Computing (user interaction, stress states detection, brain-computer interfaces). From 2014 it is a section of the ADIAN group funded by the Basque Government.

Oferta de transferencia e innovación

The research activity of the group is based on research projects, collaborations with I+D companies, formation of new PhDs, teaching in several masters, among others. We can therefore offer our collaboration in research projects and training activities (PhD thesis advice…) in the research areas we are working in.

Proyectos destacados

PhysComp: Application of machine learning techniques to physiological signals to facilitate user interaction and device control - MINECO/Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (2018 - 2020)

Neuromod: Sistema de neuromodulación en lazo cerrado para la mejora del sueño y la memoria basado en la regeneración y manipulación neuronal - ELKARTEK/Basque Government (2017 - 2018)

Research group grant ADIAN - Basque Government (2016 - 2021)

eGovernAbility:Data Mining and user profiling for building accessible eAdministration services  - MINECO/Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (2015 - 2018)

ModelAccess: Automatic extraction of data for modelling applied to the personalization of web accessibility - MINECO/Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (2011 - 2014)