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Social Value Creation lab, ALDATUZ. Master in Leadership and Change Management for Sustainability

Social Value Creation lab, ALDATUZ. Master in Leadership and Change Management for Sustainability


This master degree is a new educational concept designed by the Social Value Creation Lab ALDATUZ, an experimental space inside of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. This experiential learning programme aims to improve your employability in the futures jobs to come and aligning your personal identity and drive to your professional one. We want to provide you with a safe learning community to explore and develop further your leadership skills, by engaging with multidisciplinary and multilingual teams and motivate each other to take action. We will support you through the whole experience, allowing you the space to become a change agent in different professional environments and challenging you to use high doses of creativity. We want to guide you through processes of innovation. You will be able to customize your own programme addressing the glocal challenges that motivate you and inspire you to take action. You will work together with experts in the area of sustainability and different disciplines, creating your own project/device/Master’s thesis inspired from your intrinsic motivation and purpose.