Visit of Benchea Dorina and Bunea Janeta

Benchea Dorina and Bunea Janeta, employed in the Accounting Service of the Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu carried out a training mobility for non-teaching staff at the Universidad del País Vasco, as part of the Erasmus+ program between 03.05.2024-09.05.2024.
On the first day of mobility they met with Mrs. Eva Velasco Balmaseda, vice dean responsible for international staff mobility at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Elkano in Bilbao, who introduced them to the other colleagues from the management of the faculty in Bilbao and they had discussions about the facilities offered to students by their institutions, the study programs offered, as well as the way of organizing and carrying out the administrative activities of our universities.
The other day they had a meeting with Ms. Iruña Etxeberria, responsible for the international mobility of staff and with Mr. Professor Anjel Errasti from the Faculty of Economics and Business in Donostia-San Sebastián, who presented them the faculty in San Sebastian. Mr. Professor Anjel told them about the experience he had in Romania a few years ago, when he was in their country to carry out a study for an International Cooperative Group and he confessed that he really liked it here.
On the next mobility day, they went to the Faculty of Economics and Business in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, where they were welcomed by Mrs. Cristina María López Caro, vice dean for international mobility and students. Mrs. Vice Dean Cristina López, together with María Ángeles Etxebarria, international mobility technician, presented them the Faculty of Economics and Business and the entire Álava Campus.
After that they met with Mrs. María Ángeles Etxebarria: international mobility technician at the Faculty of Economics and Business (Alava Campus - Universidad del País Vasco) with whom they had a series of discussions about the Erasmus programs and the mobility opportunities offered to students, the facilities offered to foreign students (for example, they can take the exam in English, in certain subjects, even if the course was taught in Spanish).
They took a complete tour of the campus Library, a tour guided by the director of the library, María Teresa Matellán Pérez, who presented them the history of the Library, which operates in a very old building. The building had several functions over time, initially it was a church, then it was a kind of social center, later becoming a maternity hospital.
In this mobility, they exchanged views, best practices and opinions regarding the activities carried out in the education system of the Universidad del País Vasco versus the Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu. According to Benchea Dorina and Bunea Janeta the mobility was very pleasant, they met very sociable people, who showed a great willingness to share their experiences with them.