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"From classical to quantum sensors and instruments. Current situation and perspective". Pablo Acedo

Eguna: 2024/04/10
Ordua: 11:40
Lekua: 1.A1

Prof. Pablo Acedo is a Full Professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and leader of the Sensors and Instrumentation Techniques Research Group (SITec) of the Electronic Technology Department. His research focus on the development of novel instrumentation systems and techniques and photonic sensors for their application in fields such as medicine, bioengineering, environmental measurements, and aerospace applications. Also very important is his activity in the use of multimode laser sources (Optical Frequency combs-OFCs) for photonic signal synthesis, detection, and processing, as well as the development of Dual-Optical Frequency Comb architectures based on electro-optical modulators and their use in dispersion spectroscopy and other industrial applications. During the last years he has also led a research line on quantum sensing based on the use of NV centers in Diamond.

Prof. Acedo has published more than 170 articles in high impact journals and communications to International Congresses, including invited conferences and seminars. He has been Principal Investigator in many research projects (European, National and Regional funding) and it is also relevant his leadership in knowledge transfer activities as principal investigator in numerous contracts with several companies (INDRA, AIRBUS D&S, ARC, LWL, SEAC, ...) that have led to the filing of different patents.

Communication information

  • Title: "From classical to quantum sensors and instruments. Current situation and perspective"
  • Authors: EHU Quantum Center
  • Speaker: Pablo Acedo. Universidad Carlos III Madrid