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Graduation of the third intake of Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (ECT+)

ECT Graduation

The International program EMJMD ECT+ celebrated the Graduation of the third intake (2022-2024) on 19th of July at the Plentzia Marine Station (PiE). Thirty-four students from 18 nationalities and 4 continents arrived in the Plentzia for their master projects dissertations. During one week, students presented the projects completed in the last six months all around the world. The evaluation panels involved more than 30 academics, researchers and professionals. Members of the six partner universities (U. Bordeaux, U Pau and Adour Region, U Liege, U Porto, NTNU and UPV/EHU) and from associated institutions participated in the event. The closing lecture was presented by Prof. Christophe Minier (U Le Havre – Normandie), recognized by his scientific work in the field of endocrine disruption effects in wild animals and humans, and advisor to the French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments. The ceremony celebrated in parallel the excellent notification of the new Erasmus Mundus grant to the ECT+ program for the next six years.

Congratulations to all new graduates and ECT+ Consortium!