


Equipment: Computer platforms for data processing and analysis.


Description: The Proteomics Core Facility has several computer tools for the proper processing and analysis of different types of LC-MS/MS experiments.

  • Proteome Discoverer 2.5 (Thermo Scientific).
  • Spectronaut 15 (Biognosis).
  • MaxQuant-Perseus (Nat. Protocols. 11: 2301-19; Nature Methods. 13: 731-40).
  • Skyline (Mass. Spectrom. Rev. 39: 229-44)
  • DIA-NN (Nat. Methods 17: 41-44).



  • Proteome Discoverer and MaxQuant-Perseus platforms are used for the analysis of data-dependent acquisition (DDA)-based experiments.
  • The Spectronaut and DIA-NN platforms are used for the analysis of Data Independent Acquisition (DIA) experiments. MaxQuant-Perseus and Skyline can also be used for this type of analysis.
  • Skyline is primarily used for data acquired in specific approaches such as Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM).

If these platforms are not suitable for your project, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will try to find the right tools to meet your needs.


Responsible(s): Kerman Aloria

Location: Marya Goyri Biotechnology Center

Sarriena neighborhood s/n. 48940. Leioa. Bizkaia.