


Equipment: Multimode Modular Microplate Reader

Brand: Agilent

Model: BioTek Synergy H1

Description: BioTek Synergy H1 is a modular multimode microplate reader with monochromator-based optics. Includes UV-visible absorbance, fluorescence and luminescence detection modes. The equipment is supplied with the Take3 Trio microvolume plate.



  • • Absorbance:
    • Quantification of total protein content using colorimetric assays such as BCA Protein Assay, Bradford Protein Assay
    • Protein quantification using UV absorbance at 280 nm (A280).
    • Evaluation of protein purity by UV absorbance at 260 and 280 nm (A260/A280).
    • Quantification of total peptide content using colorimetric peptide assays.
  • • Fluorescence:
    • Quantification of total protein content using protein fluorometric assays.
    • Quantification of total peptide content using fluorometric peptide assays.

If these applications are not suitable for your project, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will try to adapt our current methods or develop new ones to meet your needs.


Responsible(s): Kerman Aloria

Location: Marya Goyri Biotechnology Center

Sarriena neighborhood s/n. 48940. Leioa. Bizkaia.