


Equipment: Sample storage and processing equipment.


Description: The Proteomics Core Facility houses all equipment necessary for complete storage and processing of biological samples. We can store samples in different formats at -80ºC, -20ºC and 4ºC. For sample homogenization we have a Precellys homogenizer and the necessary equipment for sample processing such as refrigerated centrifuges, incubators, ultrasonic baths, vacuum concentrators...



  • Storage of biological samples at -80ºC, -20ºC and 4ºC.
  • Ability to process a wide range of biological samples.
  • Ability to apply different sample processing protocols.
  • Digestion protocols with trypsin in gel and in solution.
  • Protein digestion by a variety of proteases.
  • Peptide labeling protocols.
  • Post-translationally modified peptide enrichment protocols.

If these applications are not suitable for your project, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will try to adapt our current methods or develop new ones to meet your needs.


Responsible(s): Kerman Aloria

Location: Marya Goyri Biotechnology Center

Sarriena neighborhood s/n. 48940. Leioa. Bizkaia.