


  • Scanning Electron Microscope W filament (JEOL JSM-6400) and resolution of 3.5nm (in secondary electron mode and 30KV). Includes:
    • Secondary electron detector (topographic information)
    • Backscattered electron detector (compositional and crystal disorientation qualitative information)
    • INCA EDX detector X-sight Serie Si (Li) pentaFET Oxford with window (microanalytical data from Be) and data acquisition and processing energy INCA 350 that allows precise analysis, online and Map
    • 2 WDX spectrometers with 2 glasses each JEOL (qualitative and quantitative microanalysis information)
    • Orion Acquisition of digital images,
    • Special Platina to work with lighting thru transparency as a microprobe.
    • Patterns are available for quantitative microanalysis of numerous materials and minerals.


  • SEM of Schottky field emission (JEOL JSM-7000F). Resolution in secondary electrons 1.2Nm at 30KV and 3 nm at 1 KV. 3nm resolution electron backscattered to 15KV and 10mm working distance. The accelerating voltage is variable between 0.5KV and 30KV and the beam current is 1 Picoa and 200nA. Includes:
    • secondary electron detector (topographic information)
    • Backscattered electron detector (compositional and crystal disorientation qualitative information)
    • INCA EDX detector X-sight Serie Si (Li) pentaFET Oxford with window (microanalytical data from Be) and data acquisition and processing energy INCA 350 that allows precise analysis, online and Map
    • EBSD detector premium HKL Nordlys II (crystallographic information). They are included in the Channel 5 software both databases HKL, PDF2, geological and NIST as software data acquisition and processing: Twist, Mambo, Tango, Salsa, Flamenco, Map Stitcher
    • Patterns are available for quantitative microanalysis of numerous materials and minerals.
    • GSR software for analysis of shot particles.
  • SEM-FIB (FEI Helios Nanolab 650). Resolution at the point of coincidence of 4.5Nm. Ion beam current to 65nA. Includes:
    •  5 gas injectors  for deposition of Pt, W, C, an insulator (TEOS) and an etching gas (XeF2).
    • Omniprobe micromanipulator AutoProbe 200.2 for the extraction of lamellae
    • Secondary electron detectors  and backscattered to acquire thru electrons the image of the sample surface.
    • Ion detector can acquire both the image given by the ions as well as secondary electrons.
    • STEM Detector (it shows the image in transmission of samples thinned with ion beam).
    • EDX microanalysis system Aztec Energy 350 Oxford dry detector whose resolution is 124eV (allows microanalysis of samples).
  • Electron micrographs of ultra-high resolution field emission type Schottky X-FEG (FEI Titan 60-300 Cubed G2 with monochromator and CEOS aberration correction to the third order in the SuperTwin objective lens) that works both in transmission mode as in scanning-transmission. Resolution point to point ≤ 0.07nm for 300kV and ≤ 0.11nm for 80kV . Resolution STEM mode ≤ 0.136nm for 300kV. Energy resolution ≤ 0.3EV. inclination within ± 35º and 30º ± b Includes:
    • Alignments at 80, 200 and 300kV.
    • Gatan camera 2Kx2K US1000XP-P.
    • HAADF detector (Fischione) and brightfield and darkfield FEI.
    • EDX detector Super-X (ChemiSTEM technology acquisition and data processing by the ESPRIT Bruker software).
    • Gatan energy filter Quantum ER/965 P with Gatan camera 2Kx2K post filter.
    • Lorentz lens.
    • Sample carrier simple acquisition.
    • Analytical double tilt sample holder.
    • Simple tilt sample holder for scanning.
    • Software acquisition in both TEM and STEM mode for scanning, INSPECT 3D software for alignment and reconstruction. Y Resolve RT FEI for visualization. Treatment of reconstruction and visualization is done off line on another computer.
    • Acquisition system of precession of electrons.
    • True Image software for acquisition and reconstruction of series of focus.


  • Traditional systems for sample preparation and scanning transmission and mechanical thinning Pulido
    • Electrolytic polishing and thinning
    • Pulido sputter
    • Carbon evaporators, Au and other metals


  • Off line Computer Programs for data processing: Carine, JEMS, TIA, Gatan Digital Micrograph, True Image