Quantum mechanics is at the heart of our technology and economy - the laser and the transistor are quantum devices - but its full potential is far from being realized. Recent technological advances in optics, nanoscience and engineering allow experimentalists to create artificial structures or put microscopic and mesoscopic systems under new manipulable conditions in which quantum phenomena play a fundamental role.

Quantum technologies exploit these effects with practical purposes. The objective of Quantum Science is to discover, study, and control quantum efects at a fundamental level. These are two sides of a virtuous circle: new technologies lead to the discovery and study of new phenomena that will lead to new technologies.

Our aim is  to control and understand quantum phenomena in a multidisciplinary intersection of  Quantum Information, Quantum optics and cold atoms, Quantum Control, Spintronics, Quantum metrology, Atom interferometry, Superconducting qubits and Circuit QED and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.

QUINST is funded in part as a “Grupo Consolidado” from the Basque Government (IT472-10, IT986-16, IT1470-22)  and functions as a network of groups with their own funding, structure, and specific goals.  

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Hamed Saberi (Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany)

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From: 11/2010 To: 11/2016


2009/06/22,  Hamed Saberi (Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany)

Place: Sala de Seminarios del Departamento de Física Teórica e Historia de la Ciencia
Time: 10:30
Title: New trends on sequential generation of entangled states
The generation of multiqubit entangled states via a single global unitary operation acting on initially decoupled qubits is in general known to be a difficult problem. Therefore, several theoretical and experimental efforts have been made to develop sequential protocols for the generation of paradigmatic entangled multiqubit states. We demonstrate how the matrix-product state formalism provides a flexible structure for such a quantum factory of states. The proposed method relies on a suitable local optimization procedure, yielding an efficient recipe for the realistic and approximate sequential generation of any entangled multiqubit state under experimental restrictions. We give paradigmatic examples that may be of interest for theoretical and experimental developments.