QUINST events: seminars, workshops and conferences


G. Tóth (Dpto. de Física Teórica, UPV/EHU)

When and where

From: 03/06/2011 To: 09/11/2016


Place: Sala de Seminarios del Departamento de Física Teórica e Historia de la Ciencia
Time: 12h.
Title: Detection of quantum entanglement
There have been many experiments recently that produced various entangled quantum states with cold trapped ions, photons, cold atomic ensembles, etc. It is an important step in these experiments to verify the presence of entanglement and to obtain information on the fidelity of the quantum state observed with respect to the state we wanted to prepare. This is a challenge since a many-body quantum system has very many degrees of freedom, thus a complete quantum tomography is not possible. Practically useful methods are based on entanglement conditions that need few local measurements.