QUINST events: seminars, workshops and conferences


ATOM LASERS, David Guéry-Odelin (U. de Toulouse, Francia)

When and where

11/2010 11/2010


2009/11/11-12-13, ATOM LASERS, David Guéry-Odelin (U. de Toulouse, Francia)

Place: Salón de Grados ZTF-FCT
11 de Noviembre: 10 h (Overview)
12 de Noviembre 10 h (Guided atom laser I)
12 de Noviembre 11.30 (Guided atom laser II)

When the laser was invented some forty years ago, no-one envisaged its many areas of application today.
A laser emits coherent light; could coherent matter be utilised in similar ways? Can a laser be built to emit matter instead of light? David Guéry-Odelin, formerly at KLB, Paris,  is a world leading expert in atom lasers and will provide an overview of the main concepts and state of the art, as well as a detailed account of his current experiments at Toulouse.
QUINST (Quantum Information, Science and Technology) & Bizkaiko Campuseko Errektoreordetza dentro de las
XV Jornadas sobre óptica cuántica y fundamentos de mecánica cuántica