Zabala Alberdi Luis

Zabala Alberdi, Luis

Personal information

Zabala Alberdi, Luis

Address: Alda. de Urquijo s/n. C.P.: 48013. Bilbao
Office: P3F4
Telephone: 946014181
Fax: +34 94 601 4259


Academic degrees

University degree

Career:  Engineering in Telecommunications
Intensification: Telematics
Center:  University of The Basque Country
Date of achievement: 1998


Program title: Tecnologías de la Información
DEA date of achievement: -
Thesis title: -
Date of achievement: (In progress)


Modelling a Network Traffic Probe Over a Multiprocessor Architecture

Luis Zabala, Armando Ferro, Alberto Pineda, Alejandro Muñoz
Ed. Intech - Open Access Company. Telecommunications Networks - Current Status and Future Trends
Chapter 13
Initial page - Ending page:
303 - 328

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Conference Papers

Internet Quality of Service Measurement Tool for Both Users and Providers

Armando Ferro, Fidel Liberal, Alex Munoz, Eva Ibarrola, Cristina Perfecto
Publication medium:
11th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'2004). Fortaleza (Brazil), August 01-06

<span lang="en">This paper offers an approach to the definition of access speed measurements. An ever growing increase of Internet Service Providers (ISP) and different types of technologies in the Internet access, makes it difficult for users to decide which is the best or most suitable connection to satisfy their needs. From these considerations, the possibility of the Internet users to obtain a real and neutral measurement of the service of their Internet access may help them to decide if it is covering their demands or, on the contrary, the provider is not complying with the terms of the contract. In order to perform this measurement, an Internet speed test through web interface has been defined, as well as the way to obtain a measure which can comply with the objective of giving users a proper idea of how their Internet access is working. This project is included in the Quality of Service (QoS) investigation area in our investigation group.</span>

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