Ferro Vázquez Armando

Ferro Vázquez, Armando

Personal information

Ferro Vázquez, Armando

Address: Alda. de Urquijo s/n. C.P.: 48013. Bilbao
Office: 3A42
Email: armando.ferro@ehu.es
Telephone: +34 94 601 4209
Fax: +34 94 601 4259


Academic degrees

University degree

Career: Industrial Engineering
Intensification: Electronics
Center: University of The Basque Country
Date of achievement: 1986


Program Title: Tecnologías de la Información
DEA date of achievement: -
Thesis title: Propuestas de diseño de un sistema de detección de intrusión y definición de un modelo analítico para arquitecturas multiprocesador
Date of achievement: 2002


Modelling a Network Traffic Probe Over a Multiprocessor Architecture

Luis Zabala, Armando Ferro, Alberto Pineda, Alejandro Muñoz
Ed. Intech - Open Access Company. Telecommunications Networks - Current Status and Future Trends
Chapter 13
Initial page - Ending page:
303 - 328

More information

Conference Papers

Arquitectura de generación e inyección de tráfico sintético configurable en FPGA

Iker Blanco, Adrián Morán, Armando Ferro, Luis Zabala, Alberto Pineda
XVII Simposium Nacional URSI. Elche, Spain. September 12-14

<span lang="en">The aim of this paper is to describe the design of a FPGA-based traffic generator able to inject synthetic traffic at gigabit or higher rate. The proposed architecture has been designed to add new features that existing generators do not offer. The generator tries to emulate real network traffic by injecting multiple flows that follow user desired statistical distributions. It offers a generic architecture that can support various protocols. The system also keeps an accurate timing of the injection of each frame. With those features, the proposed system aims to serve as a tool for testing traffic capture systems and other network resources at stress conditions, so research teams can measure and improve the performance of those systems.</span>