Dr. Tugçe Akyazi
(Former Ph.D. Student at AMMa-LOAC)

Tuğçe Akyazı graduated from Istanbul Technical University as a Metallurgical and Materials engineer in 2008. She has a double degree master of science in Materials Science and Engineering area by the Politecnico di Milano (2008-2010) and the Istanbul Technical University (2011). After having several experiences in industry, she worked as a researcher in the Quantum Devices and Nanophotonics Research Laboratory at the Middle Technical University, Ankara (2014). In 2015 she started her Ph.D. by the in the University of Navarra working as a researcher in CIC MicroGUNE, Spain working in Microtechology. In April 2015, she became member of the Microfluidics Group EHU/UPV. She defended her thesis the 11th of September 2017.
Tugçe Akyazi works on paper-based analytical platforms for Lab-on-a-Chip diagnostics applications. She is interested on the incorporation of new materials into these paper-based microfluidic platforms to improve their fluidic properties.
PUBLICATION LIST (by September 2017)
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
1- Actuator Behavior of Ionogels by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, Nerea Gil-González, Tugce Akyazi, E. Castaño, F. Benito-Lopez, M.C. Morant-Miñana, 2017, (Manuscript in preparation)
2- Wax printing protocol to predict Paper-microfluidic Devices Dimensions, T. Akyazi, L. Basabe Desmonts, F. Benito-Lopez, 2017, (Manuscript in preparation)
3- Microfluidic Paper-based Analytical Devices towards Commercialisation T. Akyazi, L. Basabe-Desmonts, F. Benito-Lopez, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2017, (Submitted).
4- Driving Flows in Microfluidic Paper-Based Analytical Devices with a Cholinium Based Poly Ionic Liquid Hydrogel, T. Akyazi, A. Tudor, D. Diamond, L. Basabe-Desmonts, L. Florea, F. Benito-Lopez, Sens. Actuators B., 2017, (Submitted)
5- Manipulation of Fluid Flow Direction in Microfluidic Paper-Based Analytical Devices with an Ionogel Negative Passive Pump, T. Akyazi, N. Gil-González, L. Basabe-Desmonts, E. Castaño, M. Morant-Miñana, F. Benito-Lopez, Sens. Actuators B, 2017, 247, 114-123, (IF: 5.401, 2016, Chemistry, analytical 6/76, Q1)
6- Understanding the behavior of stimuli-response ionogels for microfluidic applications, N. Gil-González, T. Akyazi, A. Zuzuarregui, E. Castaño, F. Benito-Lopez, M.C. Morant Miñana, Procedia Eng., 2016, 168, 473-476, (CiteScore: 0.74, 2016).
7- Fluidic Flow Delay by Ionogel Passive Pumps in Microfluidic Paper-Based Analytical Devices, T. Akyazi, J. Saez, J. Elizalde, F. Benito-Lopez, 2016, Sens. Actuators B, 233, 402-408 (IF: 5.401, 2016, Chemistry, analytical 6/76, Q1)
Book Chapters:
Applications of Ionic Liquid Materials in Microfluidic Devices, T. Akyazi, J. Saez, A. Tudor, C. Delaney, W. Francis, D. Diamond, L. Basabe-Desmonts, L. Florea, F. Benito-Lopez, in Smart Ionic Liquids, Royal Society of Chemistry, Smart Materials, Ed: Ali Eftekhari, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-78801-181-5.
Peer Reviewed Proceedings Articles
1- Electrochemical characterization of ionogel actuators, N. Gil González, T. Akyazi, E. Castaño Carmona, F. Benito López, M. C. Morant Miñana, 11th Spanish Conference of Electron Devices, 8-10 February, 2017, Barcelona, Spain, 1-4. (POSTER)
2- Cholinium Based Poly Ionic Liquid Hydrogel as Negative Flow Passive Pump in Paper-Based Analytical Devices, T. Akyazi, A. Tudor, D. Diamond, L. Basabe-Desmonts, L. Florea, Fernando Benito-Lopez, 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Micro Total Analysis Systems μ-TAS-2016, 9-13 October, Dublin, Ireland, 2016, 11-12. (ORAL).
3- Ionogels as Passive Pumps for Fluidic Control in Paper-Based Analytical Devices, T. Akyazi, J. Saez, J. Elizalde, F. Benito-Lopez, 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Micro Total Analysis Systems μ-TAS-2015, 25-29 October, 2015, Gyeongju, South Korea, T.341e, 1317-1320. (POSTER)
Oral Presentations:
1- Cholinium Based Poly Ionic Liquid Hydrogel as Negative Flow Passive Pump in Paper-Based Analytical Devices, T. Akyazi, A. Tudor, D. Diamond, L. Basabe-Desmonts, L. Florea, Fernando Benito-Lopez*, 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Micro Total Analysis Systems μ-TAS-2016, 9-13 October, Dublin, Ireland, 2016.
2- When Microfluidics met Smart Materials, T. Akyazi, J. Saez, L. Basabe-Desmonts, F. Benito-Lopez*, Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (IC-ANMBES 2016), 29 June -1 July, Brasov, Romania, 2016 , O21, 75.
3- Improving Performance in Microfluidic Devices with Smart Materials, J. Saez, T. Akyazi, F. Benito Lopez*, NAPES Workshop-From Molecule to Device, 17-18 November, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2015. (INVITED TALK)
4- Building Smarter Microfluidic Devices with Functional Materials, J. Saez, T. Akyazi, L. Florea, D. Diamond, F. Benito-Lopez*, ImagineNANO-2015, NanoSpain Chemistry, 12-13 March, Bilbao, Spain, 2015. (INVITED TALK)
Poster Presentations:
1- New Functionalities in Microfluidic Devices with Smart Functional Materials. J. Saez, T. Akyazi, L. Basabe-Desmonts, F. Benito-Lopez*, Gordon Conference in Microfluidics, Physics and Chemistry, 4-9 June, 2017, Barga, Italy.MT5.
2- Electrochemical characterization of ionogel actuators, N. Gil González, T. Akyazi, E. Castaño Carmona, F. Benito López, M. C. Morant Miñana*, 11th Spanish Conference of Electron Devices, 8-10 February, 2017, Barcelona, Spain, R0050.
3- Understanding the Behaviour of Stimuli-response Ionogels for Microfluidics Applications, N. Gil-González, T. Akyazi, A. Zuzuarregui, E. Castaño, F. Benito-Lopez, M.C. Morant-Miñana*, Eurosensors XXX, 4-7 Sept, Budapest, Hungary, 2016, MP.CHM-75-852.
4- Ionogel Research Barriers for Sequential Analyte Detection in Paper-Based Analytical Devices, T. Akyazi, F. Benito-Lopez*, Lab-on-Chip European Congress, LOACE-2016, 15-16 March, 2016, Madrid, Spain. 117.
5- Ionogels as Passive Pumps for Fluidic Control in Paper-Based Analytical Devices, T. Akyazi, J. Saez, J. Elizalde, F. Benito-Lopez*, 19th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, Micro Total Analysis Systems μ-TAS-2015, 25-29 October, 2015, Gyeongju, South Korea, T.341e, 1317-1320.
6- Paper Microfluidics: Cheap Devices for Sensing, T. Akyazi, V. F. Curto, N. Lopez-Ruiz, L. F. Capitan Vallvey, A. J. Palma, D. Diamond, F. Benito-Lopez*, Annual Workshop CIC MicroGUNE, 6 November, 2014, Arrasate-Mondragón, Spain.